
Reputation: 19

How to use an abbreviated vector to match a vector with a full name

tableA$area = c("太原市尖草坪区","安庆市宜秀区","北京市大兴区")
tableB$locate = c("尖草坪区", "宜秀区", "大兴区")

I need to combine tableA and tableB by c("area" = "locate"). How can I realize it?

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Views: 88

Answers (2)

Zhiqiang Wang
Zhiqiang Wang

Reputation: 6769

Alternatively, you could also try something like this using @starja's tableA and tableB.

First, generate a unique identifiers (id) using locate in TableB by removing 区 and 县. Then, find id strings in tableA and add a variable id too. Finally, join tableA with tableB with by = "id".

tableB$id = str_remove_all(tableB$locate, "区|县")
find <- paste(unique(tableB$id), collapse="|")
tableA$id <- str_extract_all(tableA$area, find, simplify = TRUE)[,1]
left_join(tableA, tableB, by = "id")

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 10375

Assuming that tableB$locate always contains the part of tableA$area after 市, you can use a regex to match everything after 市 and use this for the join:

tableA <- data.frame(
  other_col = 1:3,
  area = c("太原市尖草坪区","安庆市宜秀区","北京市大兴区")

tableB <- data.frame(
  type_col = c("A", "B", "C"),
  locate = c("尖草坪区", "宜秀区", "大兴区")


merged_table <- tableA %>% 
  mutate(area_wo_city = str_extract(area, "(?<=市).*$")) %>% 
  left_join(tableB, by = c("area_wo_city" = "locate"))

  other_col           area area_wo_city type_col
1         1 太原市尖草坪区     尖草坪区        A
2         2   安庆市宜秀区       宜秀区        B
3         3   北京市大兴区       大兴区        C


Your new data makes it harder, because now the regex has to allow to match other characters in area that are not contained in locate. Therefore, I create a regex pattern for every entry in locate that matches other characters in between. Then, I use these patterns to see in which row of tableA it matches and join based on this information. The solution works for your provided data, but I think it is quite hacky and could break for more complex situations. Also, I assume that 桓/恒 is a typo, otherwise I don't know any solutions in R to account for it.

tableA <- data.frame(
  other_col = 11:15,
  area = c("太原市尖草坪区","安庆市宜秀区","北京市大兴区","桓仁满族自治县","银川市西夏区")

tableB <- data.frame(
  type_col = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"),
  locate = c("尖草坪区", "宜秀区", "大兴区","桓仁县","银川市西夏区")


generate_pattern <- function(x) {
  pattern <- str_extract_all(x, boundary("character"))[[1]]
  pattern <- paste0(pattern, ".*")
  pattern <- paste0(pattern, collapse = "")
  pattern <- substr(pattern, start = 1, stop = nchar(pattern) - 2)

# generate the regex pattern and search in which row in tableA it matches
tableB <- tableB %>% 
  mutate(pattern = purrr::map_chr(locate, generate_pattern),
         match_in_A = str_which(tableA$area, pattern))

  type_col       locate                                                                      pattern match_in_A
1        A     尖草坪区                           <U+00BC>.*a.*2.*Y.*<U+00C6>.*o.*<U+00C7>.*<U+00F8>          1
2        B       宜秀区                                 ò.*<U+00CB>.*D.*<U+00E3>.*<U+00C7>.*<U+00F8>          2
3        C       大兴区                                        ′.*ó.*D.*<U+00CB>.*<U+00C7>.*<U+00F8>          3
4        D       桓仁县                                 <U+00BB>.*<U+00B8>.*è.*ê.*<U+00CF>.*<U+00D8>          4
5        E 银川市西夏区 ò.*<U+00F8>.*′.*¨.*ê.*D.*<U+00CE>.*÷.*<U+00CF>.*<U+00C4>.*<U+00C7>.*<U+00F8>          5

# merge based on the matched row numbers
merged_table <- tableA %>% 
  tibble::rowid_to_column() %>% 
  left_join(tableB, by = c("rowid" = "match_in_A")) %>% 
  select(-c(rowid, pattern))

  other_col           area type_col       locate
1        11 太原市尖草坪区        A     尖草坪区
2        12   安庆市宜秀区        B       宜秀区
3        13   北京市大兴区        C       大兴区
4        14 桓仁满族自治县        D       桓仁县
5        15   银川市西夏区        E 银川市西夏区

Upvotes: 3

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