Reputation: 132
I'm trying to edit an embed message that has already been sent (serves as a role reaction message). For example: I type "roles" and get an embed message that assigns roles when reacted to. I want to edit it to add another role in the description without sending an entirely new message. MEE6 bot is able to this so I'm sure it's possible. I found code that should work:
# This sends an embed message with a description of the roles.
async def on_message(message):
if == 700895165665247325:
if message.content.startswith('roles'):
embedvar = discord.Embed(title="React to this message to get your roles!",
description="Click the corresponding emoji to receive your role.\n<:WarThunder:"
"745425772944162907> - War Thunder\n<:Apex:745425965764575312> - "
"Apex\n<:ModernWarfare:757104623738814554> - "
"Modern Warfare\n<:Minecraft:757029546632413346> - "
"Minecraft\n<:R6Siege:757030019909550122> - R6 Siege", color=0x00ff00)
embedvar2 = discord.Embed(title="React to this message to get your roles!",
description="Click the corresponding emoji to receive your role.\n<:WarThunder:"
"745425772944162907> - War Thunder\n<:Apex:745425965764575312> - "
"Apex\n<:ModernWarfare:757104623738814554> - "
"Modern Warfare\n<:Minecraft:757029546632413346> - "
"Minecraft\n<:R6Siege:757030019909550122> - R6 Siege\n"
"<:AmongUs:760192601625591859> - Among Us", color=0x00ff00)
await message.edit(embed=embedvar2)
print("Changed message embed color.")
Yet it gives me this error:
discord.errors.Forbidden: 403 Forbidden (error code: 50005): Cannot edit a message authored by another user
Yes, the bot has all the correct permissions and is assigning ranks lower on the hierarchy than it.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 3381
Reputation: 132
Here's the working code:
# This sends an embed message with a description of the roles.
async def on_message(message):
if == 700895165665247325:
if message.content.startswith('roles'):
embedvar = discord.Embed(title="React to this message to get your roles!",
description="Click the corresponding emoji to receive your role.\n<:WarThunder:"
"745425772944162907> - War Thunder\n<:Apex:745425965764575312> - "
"Apex\n<:ModernWarfare:757104623738814554> - "
"Modern Warfare\n<:Minecraft:757029546632413346> - "
"Minecraft\n<:R6Siege:757030019909550122> - R6 Siege", color=0x00ff00)
print("Changed message embed color.")
elif message.content.startswith('update'):
embedvar2 = discord.Embed(title="React to this message to get your roles!",
description="Click the corresponding emoji to receive your role.\n<:WarThunder:"
"745425772944162907> - War Thunder\n<:Apex:745425965764575312> - "
"Apex\n<:ModernWarfare:757104623738814554> - "
"Modern Warfare\n<:Minecraft:757029546632413346> - "
"Minecraft\n<:R6Siege:757030019909550122> - R6 Siege\n"
"<:AmongUs:760192601625591859> - Among Us", color=0x00ff00)
channel = client.get_channel(700895165665247325)
msg = await channel.fetch_message(757114312413151272)
await msg.edit(embed=embedvar2)
print("Updated role reaction message.")
I simply type "update" into the correct channel and whatever is in embedvar2
is what the message is updated with.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1356
You are trying to edit the message
that was passed by the event, try:
msg = await
await msg.edit(embed=embedvar2)
Upvotes: 0