Reputation: 63
I want to save a traceback from my shiny app (runs on a server). I tried extractStackTrace() with shiny.error(), but the most valuable part of a traceback is truncated, probably, due to a second call of captureStackTraces().
options(shiny.fullstacktrace = TRUE, shiny.error = function() {
stack_list <- extractStackTrace(sys.calls())
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton("action", label = "Action")
server <- function(input, output) {
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
For example, I want to get this line from traceback in my reprex
observeEventHandler [~/app.R#16]
I would appreciate it if you could help me to find a solution.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 1332
Reputation: 642
Try something like this:
Helper functions:
# adapt for your purposes
write_error_logs <- function() {
error <- recover_error()
# cat error message to logfile
logfile <- paste0(Sys.time(), '.shinylog')
cat(error$message, '\n', file = logfile)
# format the stack and append to logfile
stack <- error$stack %>%
dplyr::select(-category) %>%
dplyr::mutate(num = paste0(num, ':')) %>%
tidyr::unite(col = res, sep = ' ') %>%
stack <- paste0(' ', stack, '\n')
cat(stack, file = logfile, append = TRUE, sep = '')
# adapted from utils::recover
recover_error <- function () {
# get calls
calls <- sys.calls()
from <- 0L
# get frame previous to last stop() call
n <- length(calls)
for (i in rev(seq_len(n))) {
calli <- calls[[i]]
fname <- calli[[1L]]
if ( "stop(e)" %in% deparse(calli)) {
from <- i - 1
frame <- sys.frame(from)
# write to logfile
# adapted from shiny::printError
getError <- function (cond,
full = get_devmode_option("shiny.fullstacktrace", FALSE),
offset = getOption("shiny.stacktraceoffset", TRUE)) {
error_msg <- sprintf(
"Error in %s: %s",
should_drop <- !full
should_strip <- !full
should_prune <- !full
stackTraceCalls <- c(
attr(cond, "deep.stack.trace", exact = TRUE),
list(attr(cond, "stack.trace", exact = TRUE))
stackTraceParents <- lapply(stackTraceCalls, attr, which = "parents", exact = TRUE)
stackTraceCallNames <- lapply(stackTraceCalls, shiny:::getCallNames)
stackTraceCalls <- lapply(stackTraceCalls, shiny:::offsetSrcrefs, offset = offset)
# Use dropTrivialFrames logic to remove trailing bits (.handleSimpleError, h)
if (should_drop) {
# toKeep is a list of logical vectors, of which elements (stack frames) to keep
toKeep <- lapply(stackTraceCallNames, shiny:::dropTrivialFrames)
# We apply the list of logical vector indices to each data structure
stackTraceCalls <- mapply(stackTraceCalls, FUN = `[`, toKeep, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
stackTraceCallNames <- mapply(stackTraceCallNames, FUN = `[`, toKeep, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
stackTraceParents <- mapply(stackTraceParents, FUN = `[`, toKeep, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
delayedAssign("all_true", {
# List of logical vectors that are all TRUE, the same shape as
# stackTraceCallNames. Delay the evaluation so we don't create it unless
# we need it, but if we need it twice then we don't pay to create it twice.
lapply(stackTraceCallNames, function(st) {
rep_len(TRUE, length(st))
# stripStackTraces and lapply(stackTraceParents, pruneStackTrace) return lists
# of logical vectors. Use mapply(FUN = `&`) to boolean-and each pair of the
# logical vectors.
toShow <- mapply(
if (should_strip) shiny:::stripStackTraces(stackTraceCallNames) else all_true,
if (should_prune) lapply(stackTraceParents, shiny:::pruneStackTrace) else all_true,
FUN = `&`,
dfs <- mapply(seq_along(stackTraceCalls), rev(stackTraceCalls), rev(stackTraceCallNames), rev(toShow), FUN = function(i, calls, nms, index) {
num = rev(which(index)),
call = rev(nms[index]),
loc = rev(shiny:::getLocs(calls[index])),
category = rev(shiny:::getCallCategories(calls[index])),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
res <- list(
message = error_msg,
stack = dfs[[1]]
Example usage:
options(shiny.fullstacktrace = TRUE, shiny.error = write_error_logs)
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton("action", label = "Action")
server <- function(input, output) {
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Truncated output written to logfile:
Error in sum: invalid 'type' (character) of argument
75: h
74: .handleSimpleError
73: <observer:observeEvent(input$action)> [#3]
72: valueFunc
71: ..stacktraceon..
70: contextFunc
69: env$runWith
68: force
67: domain$wrapSync
Upvotes: 3