Reputation: 5263
I see that when I create mesh and textures in Unity on each frame (30fps) feels like Unity doesn't release these data from memory after the usage.
There is my code
private bool UpdateFrame(int frameIdx)
bool result = true;
int readyBuffSize = DecoderAPI.stream_get_ready_buffer_size(m_stream);
if (m_currMeshFrameIndex != frameIdx
&& readyBuffSize > 0)
m_currMeshFrameIndex = frameIdx;
IntPtr frame = DecoderAPI.stream_get_next_frame_obj(m_stream);
if (frame == IntPtr.Zero)
result = false;
long sequentialFrameIdx = DecoderAPI.get_sequential_number(frame);
DebugMethod("UNITY UpdateFrame", $"readyBuffSize :: {readyBuffSize}");
DebugMethod("UNITY UpdateFrame", $"sequentialFrameIdx :: {sequentialFrameIdx}");
Mesh releaseFormer = m_meshFilter.mesh;
m_meshFilter.mesh = CrteateMesh(frame);
Texture2D texture = CreateTexture(frame);
m_meshRenderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", texture);
DecoderAPI.stream_release_frame_obj(m_stream, frame);
Destroy(releaseFormer); // does not seem to help: even when there are no more allocations in C++ the process grows endlessly
return result;
private Mesh CrteateMesh(IntPtr frame)
Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
int vertexCount = DecoderAPI.frame_get_vertex_count(frame);
byte[] xyzBytes = new byte[vertexCount * 3 * 4];
IntPtr xyz = DecoderAPI.frame_get_vertex_xyz(frame);
Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertexCount];
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(vertices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
IntPtr pointer = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
Marshal.Copy(xyz, xyzBytes, 0, xyzBytes.Length);
Marshal.Copy(xyzBytes, 0, pointer, xyzBytes.Length);
mesh.vertices = vertices;
int faceCount = DecoderAPI.frame_face_count(frame);
int trisArrSize = faceCount * 3;
int[] tris = new int[trisArrSize];
IntPtr indices = DecoderAPI.frame_face_indices(frame);
Marshal.Copy(indices, tris, 0, trisArrSize);
mesh.triangles = tris;
int uvCount = DecoderAPI.frame_get_uv_count(frame);
IntPtr uvData = DecoderAPI.frame_get_uv_data(frame);
int uvArrSize = uvCount * 2;
float[] uvArr = new float[uvArrSize];
Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[uvCount];
Marshal.Copy(uvData, uvArr, 0, uvArrSize);
for (int i = 0; i < uvCount; i++)
Vector2 result = new Vector2(uvArr[i * 2], uvArr[i * 2 + 1]) * new Vector2(1, -1);
uv[i] = result;
mesh.uv = uv;
if (vertexCount != uvCount)
long frameId = DecoderAPI.get_sequential_number(frame);
DebugMethod("UNITY CrteateMesh", $"HERE : in frame id :: {frameId}, vertexCount : {vertexCount}, uvCount : {uvCount}");
return mesh;
private Texture2D CreateTexture(IntPtr frame)
IntPtr textureObj = DecoderAPI.frame_get_texture_obj(frame);
DecoderAPI.TextureInfo textureInfo = DecoderAPI.texture_get_info(textureObj);
int width = textureInfo.width;
int height = textureInfo.height;
int channels = textureInfo.channels;
int stride = textureInfo.stride;
//DecoderAPI.ColorType colorType = textureInfo.color_type;
IntPtr pixels = textureInfo.pixels;
Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
//Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.DXT5, false);
texture.LoadRawTextureData(pixels, width * channels * height);
return texture;
So, what I do is - I create a mesh and texture for each frame use it and then I expect that Unity should release them from memory after the usage, but no. Ok, I found like this method Destroy(releaseFormer)
should help, but anyway it is the same I see in TaskManager that memory grows endlessly...
For test I have tried -> I start my c++ code generate (let's say 100 frames) then I stop it (so my c++ doesn't allocate nothing) and I still see that memory grows up to the end. What I expect is - ok even if Unity doesn't release data that I don't need more, I loaded 100 frames that is it, why memory continues to grow?
Question is - how to release from memory all that frames that I don't need?
I have changed this method, added Destroy
in proper order
private bool UpdateFrame(int frameIdx)
bool result = true;
int readyBuffSize = -1;
if (m_stream != IntPtr.Zero)
readyBuffSize = DecoderAPI.stream_get_ready_buffer_size(m_stream);
if (m_currMeshFrameIndex != frameIdx
&& readyBuffSize > 0)
m_currMeshFrameIndex = frameIdx;
IntPtr frame = DecoderAPI.stream_get_next_frame_obj(m_stream);
if (frame == IntPtr.Zero)
result = false;
long sequentialFrameIdx = DecoderAPI.frame_get_sequential_number(frame);
DebugMethod("UNITY UpdateFrame", $"readyBuffSize :: {readyBuffSize}");
DebugMethod("UNITY UpdateFrame", $"sequentialFrameIdx :: {sequentialFrameIdx}");
if (m_meshFilter.mesh != null)
m_meshFilter.mesh = CrteateMesh(frame);
if (m_texture != null)
m_texture = CreateTexture(frame);
m_meshRenderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", m_texture);
if (m_stream != IntPtr.Zero)
DecoderAPI.stream_release_frame_obj(m_stream, frame);
return result;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 3647
Reputation: 106
releaseFormer is the mesh right? Did you try calling Destroy on the texture object itself?
Another thread suggested Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets()
Personally I'd be trying to do this with a RenderTexture especially if the texture size doesn't change too often, though might not be possible for your use case
Upvotes: 2