I have a collection where most of the documents have an array of objects, the property that I am concerned with is a boolean, and I am looking to get a count of total documents where the number of objects in the array have that property set to false, less than 10 times.
The schemas are something like this
let MatchSchema = new Schema({
home: {
squad: [ SquadSchema ]
away: {
squad: [ SquadSchema ]
let SquadSchema = new Schema({
check: Boolean
I have been searching for a way to do this, and it looks like Aggregate is the way to go, though I am having trouble finding a solution. It looks like I can use this to get the size of each home.squad, away.squad, and the id for each document.
await Match.aggregate([
$project: {
"squadCountHome": {$size: "$home.squad"},
"squadCountAway": {$size: "$away.squad"},
Can aggregate be used to see if the check value in squad is false less than 10 times, and more than 0?
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Views: 492
Joe pointed me towards $filter, and I got my solution which looks little something like below.
$project and $filter retrieved all elements in squad.home, and squad.away where the check property was set to false. Then used $project and $size to get the total of elements with false values in both, and finally $match to identify if either home or away sizes are greater than 0, and less than 10
$project: {
home: {
$filter: {
input: "$home.squad",
as: "home",
cond: {$eq: ["$$home.check", false]}
away: {
$filter: {
input: "$away.squad",
as: "away",
cond: {$eq: ["$$away.check", false]}
$project: {
"squadCountHome": {$size: "$home"},
"squadCountAway": {$size: "$away"}
$match: {
$or: [ { squadCountHome: { $gt: 0, $lt: 10 } }, { squadCountAway: { $gt: 0, $lt: 10 } } ]
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