Reputation: 23
forgive me if this question has been asked before I did a quick search a couldn't find the answer. I'm creating an app in which a user can receive a friend request and I want the user to be able to swipe to the left to show different options to accept or decline the request
for more clarification this is what I want it to look like
if it helps this is my scroll view
VStack(spacing: 40){
// TODO Add Chat Rooms
ForEach(ChatRooms, content: {room in
//Create an in app link that navigates to messaging screen
destination: MessageDetail(messageShowing: $detailShowing),
isActive: $detailShowing,
label: {
//Create a chat room card
Button(action: {
detailShowing = true
}, label: {
ChatRoomView(room: room)
}.padding(.top, 30)
edit: I tried nesting a horizontal scroll view inside my vertical scrollview like the following ScrollView (.horizontal) { VStack(spacing: 40){
// TODO Add Chat Rooms
ForEach(ChatRooms, content: {room in
//Create an in app link that navigates to messaging screen
ScrollView (.horizontal) {
destination: MessageDetail(messageShowing: $detailShowing),
isActive: $detailShowing,
label: {
//Create a chat room card
Button(action: {
detailShowing = true
}, label: {
ChatRoomView(room: room)
}.padding(.top, 30)
but this is what I end with
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1269
Reputation: 1570
try this class :-
how to use:-
Simply add onSwipe(leading, trailing) method to your list item
List {
HStack {
Text("Enes Karaosman")
.onSwipe(leading: [
.. // here add slots
Upvotes: 0