Reputation: 1
I am a 9th grader just learning programming. After I got the basics, I figured I'd make a cookie clicker game in swift. I accomplished that and am still working on it to refine it and make it more playable, but I cannot get it to automatically save. I have tried some other lines pasted in and modified but I am doing something wrong. I want it to save the variable click and mult automatically when updated. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
// ViewController.swift
// EthanClicker
// Created by Ethan on 10/4/20.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var clickOutput: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var multOutput: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var messageOutput: UILabel!
@objc var click = 0
var mult = 1
@IBAction func clickMeButton(_ sender: Any) {
click = click + (1 * mult)
clickOutput.text = "\(click)"
@IBAction func twoX(_ sender: Any) {
if ((click >= 100) && (mult == 1)) {
mult = 2
click = click - 100
multOutput.text = "\(mult)"
clickOutput.text = "\(click)"
messageOutput.text = "Nice Job! Keep Going!"
} else {
@IBAction func fourX(_ sender: Any) {
if ((click >= 1000) && (mult == 2)) {
mult = 4
click = click - 1000
clickOutput.text = "\(click)"
multOutput.text = "\(mult)"
messageOutput.text = "Getting closer, Keep Going!"
} else {
@IBAction func eightX(_ sender: Any) {
if ((click >= 10000) && (mult == 4)) {
mult = 8
click = click - 10000
clickOutput.text = "\(click)"
multOutput.text = "\(mult)"
messageOutput.text = "You Did It! Now Keep Playing To See How High You Can Go"
} else {
@IBAction func sixteenX(_ sender: Any) {
if ((click >= 100000) && (mult == 8)) {
mult = 16
click = click - 100000
clickOutput.text = "\(click)"
multOutput.text = "\(mult)"
messageOutput.text = "You Did It! Now Keep Playing To See How High You Can Go"
} else {
@IBAction func thirtytwox(_ sender: Any) {
if ((click >= 1000000) && (mult == 16)) {
mult = 32
click = click - 1000000
clickOutput.text = "\(click)"
multOutput.text = "\(mult)"
messageOutput.text = "You Did It! Now Keep Playing To See How High You Can Go"
} else {
@IBAction func sixtyfourX(_ sender: Any) {
if ((click >= 10000000) && (mult == 32)) {
mult = 64
click = click - 10000000
clickOutput.text = "\(click)"
multOutput.text = "\(mult)"
messageOutput.text = "You Did It! Now Keep Playing To See How High You Can Go"
} else {
func error() {
messageOutput.text = "Not enough Clicks, keep going!"
override func viewDidLoad() {
clickOutput.text = "\(click)"
multOutput.text = "\(mult)"
messageOutput.text = ""
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Views: 363
Reputation: 1
I think this would work
Option 1: Add the first code snippet to the end of your code
func updateUI(){
clickOutput.text = "\(click)"
@IBAction func clickMeButton(_ sender: Any) {
click = click + (1 * mult)
clickOutput.text = "\(click)"
change it to this
@IBAction func clickMeButton(_ sender: Any) {
click = click + (1 * mult)
clickOutput.text = "\(click)"
Option 2: Another idea is making updateUI() do the counting too, and also, you should use an operator, += , to add to the number if you want to
func updateUI() {
click += 1
clickOutput.text = "\(click)"
Next step is the same as step 3 in Option 1
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