Reputation: 223
i am using fusion chart for the first time..i am facing some problem in displaying data using StackedColumn2D.swf..
using c# in vs2005
strXML += ("<chart palette='2' caption='Product Comparison' defaultNumberScale='s' numberScaleValue='60,60,24,7' numberScaleUnit='min,hr,day,wk' ");
strXML += (" showLabels='1' showvalues='1' numberPrefix='' showSum='0' decimals='0' useRoundEdges='1' legendBorderAlpha='0'>");
strXML_category += "<categories> ";
strXML_run += ("<dataset seriesname='RUN' color='8D38C9' showValues='0' >");
strXML_idle += ("<dataset seriesname='IDLE' color='4AA02C' showValues='0' >");
strXML_ec += ("<dataset seriesname='EC' color='FBB917' showValues='0' >");
strXML_rw += ("<dataset seriesname='RW' color='F87431' showValues='0' >");
strXML_down += ("<dataset seriesname='DOWN_TIME' color='736AFF' showValues='0' >");
while (ddDR.Read())
strXML_category += " <category label='" + ddDR["machinename"].ToString() + "' /> ";
strXML_run += ("<set value='" + ddDR["RunMinutes"].ToString() + "' />");
strXML_idle += ("<set value='" + ddDR["IdleMinutes"].ToString() + "'/>");
strXML_ec += ("<set value='" + ddDR["EcMinutes"].ToString() + "' />");
strXML_rw += ("<set value='" + ddDR["ReworkMinutes"].ToString() + "'/>");
strXML_down += ("<set value='" + ddDR["DownMinutes"].ToString() + "'/>");
// strXML += "<set name='" + ddDR["dept_name"].ToString() + "' value='" + ddDR["dept_id"].ToString() + "' />";
strXML_category += " </categories>";
strXML_run += " </dataset>";
strXML_idle += " </dataset>";
strXML_ec += " </dataset>";
strXML_rw += " </dataset>";
strXML_down += " </dataset>";
strXML += strXML_category;
strXML += strXML_run;
strXML += strXML_idle;
strXML += strXML_ec;
strXML += strXML_rw;
strXML += strXML_down;
strXML += "</chart>";
return RenderChart("swf/StackedColumn2D.swf", "", strXML, "FactorySum", "650", "450", false, false);
the datareader contains machine name and all other values in seconds....
it shows invalid XML data ...
when i change this line,
strXML_category += " <category label='" + ddDR["machinename"].ToString() + "' /> ";
strXML_category += " <category label='" + ddDR["machine_id"].ToString() + "' /> ";
output : i am getting the output ...
please help me out to solve this issue.. i need only machine name to be displayed
thanks and regards T.Navin
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1467
Reputation: 424
Could you please state the difference in those fields, i.e, "machinename" and "machine_id" data that you are providing?
Also, please make sure that "machinename" field's data does not contain any special characters that might make the XML data invalid.
Upvotes: 3