Reputation: 1070
I have to identical structs. How can I combine the two values of the struct to an array efficiently?
foo1.b = 1
foo2.b = 2
How can I merge these two variables to... foo1
and foo2
foo.b = [1 2]
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Views: 126
Reputation: 4767
Here's a pretty rudimentary try at a function that combines structures. The only condition is that the structs need to all have an equal number of fields/members. It was a bit of a piecing/glueing code together but...
The input signature varargin
(variable input arguments) allows a variable number of inputs into a function. The nargin
variable indicates the number of input arguments. By using a bit of trial and error the right types can be created. The function fieldnames()
allows for the retrieval of the field names within the structures inputted.
%Structure 1%
foo1.b = 1;
foo1.a = 2;
foo1.c = 5;
%Structure 2%
foo2.b = 3;
foo2.a = 1;
foo2.c = 4;
%Structure 3%
foo3.b = 5;
foo3.a = 2;
foo3.c = 7;
%Function call%
[foo] = Combine_Structures(foo1,foo2,foo3);
function [foo] = Combine_Structures(varargin)
Number_Of_Fields = numel(fieldnames(varargin{1}));
Field_Names = fieldnames(varargin{1});
Number_Of_Inputs = nargin;
Variable_Input_Arguments = varargin;
Argument_Array = (1:Number_Of_Inputs);
Structures = Variable_Input_Arguments;
for Field_Index = 1: Number_Of_Fields
Field = string(Field_Names(Field_Index));
Combined_Array = [Structures{1:Number_Of_Inputs}];
Combined_Array = [Combined_Array(1:Number_Of_Inputs).(Field)];
foo.(Field) = Combined_Array;
Using MATLAB version: R2019b
Upvotes: 0
You can just do:
>> foo.b = [foo1.b foo2.b]
foo =
struct with fields:
b: [1 2]
Upvotes: 1