Reputation: 133
I am trying to pass a couple IDs through to a custom ransacker filter for active admin
filter :hasnt_purchased_product_items_in, as: :select, collection: -> { ProductItem.all }, multiple: true
The ransacker code
ransacker :hasnt_purchased_product_items, formatter: proc { |product_id|
users_who_purchased_ids = User.joins(:orders => :items).where("orders.status = 'success'").where("order_items.orderable_id IN (?)", product_id) # return only id-s of returned items.
ids = User.where.not(id: users_who_purchased_ids).pluck(:id)
ids.present? ? ids : nil # return ids OR nil!
} do |parent| # not sure why this is needed .. but it is :)
This works for a single query but not for multiple, the SQL is doing 2 separate searches instead of one
It's running the following 2 statements
order.items.orderable_id IN ('90')
order.items.orderable_id IN ('91')
in 2 separate SQL statements, instead of what i want which is
order.items.orderable_id IN ('90','91')
the submitted info from the active admin page is
q[hasnt_purchased_product_items_in][]: 90
q[hasnt_purchased_product_items_in][]: 91
i think i need to do something to the incoming parameter at the ransacker stage but i'm not sure how to deal with that
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1474
Reputation: 4877
It shouldn't be stepping in. The param should be |product_ids| and give us an array object inside the proc that then gets used. Your ransacker should return an active record association or an arel query.
I would try each of these:
ransacker :hasnt_purchased_product_items_in do |product_ids|
users_who_purchased_ids = User.joins(orders: :items).where(orders: {status: 'success'}, order_items: {orderable_id: product_ids}) # return only id-s of returned items.
User.where.not(id: users_who_purchased_ids)
ransacker :hasnt_purchased_product_items do |product_ids|
users_who_purchased_ids = User.joins(orders: :items).where(orders: {status: 'success'}, order_items: {orderable_id: product_ids}) # return only id-s of returned items.
User.where.not(id: users_who_purchased_ids)
I've had to guess the object to return because it's not clear which model this ransacker is on. If you can tell me the objective (e.g. filtering product recommendations for a user to exclude their purchases) then I can update the answer.
scope :hasnt_purchased_product_items_in, ->(product_ids){
users_who_purchased_ids = joins(orders: :items).where(orders: {status: 'success'}, order_items: {orderable_id: product_ids}) # return only id-s of returned items.
where.not(id: users_who_purchased_ids)
def self.ransackable_scopes(auth_object = nil)
Then this works:
User.ransack({hasnt_purchased_product_items_in: [[1,2,3]]}).result
Note that the ransack want's an array of args. We want one arg, which is an array.
Upvotes: 2