Reputation: 51
I'm currently trying to add some charts to a worksheet in Excel. I'm looping through some data and I want to create a pie chart for each set of data and I want to add all of those charts to the same worksheet in order to create a sort of dashboard feel
This is the code I currently have and its adding the charts to new sheets everytime
For f = 2 to G -1
Column = w + (f (f-2))
Set Rng = Worksheets("Dashboard info").Range(Worksheets("Dashboard info").Cells(1, Column -1), Worksheets("Dashboard info").Cells(Worksheets("Dashboard info").Cells(Rows.Count, Column).End(xlUp).Row, Column))
ChartTitle = Worksheets("Dashboard info").Cells(1, Column).Value
Dim ws as Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Sheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.count)
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add
.Chart.SetSourceDate Source:=Rng
.Chart.ChartType = xlPie
.Chart.ChartStyle = 253
.Chart.ChartTitle.Text = ChartTitle
End with
Next f
This code works, but adds a new sheet for each chart and my goal is to add each chart to a single sheet that already exists in my excel document
How do I do that?
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Views: 1287
Reputation: 42256
Since you do not show us all your code, I cannot test anything, but please, try the next adapted piece of code:
Sub insertCharts()
'your code...
Dim ws As Worksheet, newSh As Worksheet, prevWidth as Double
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set newSh = ws.Parent.Sheets.Add(After:=ws.Parent.Sheets(Sheets.count))
For f = 2 To g - 1
Column = w + (f(f - 2))
Set rng = Worksheets("Dashboard info").Range(Worksheets("Dashboard info").cells(1, Column - 1), Worksheets("Dashboard info").cells(Worksheets("Dashboard info").cells(rows.count, Column).End(xlUp).row, Column))
ChartTitle = Worksheets("Dashboard info").cells(1, Column).Value
With newSh.ChartObjects.Add
.Chart.SetSourceDate Source:=rng
.Chart.ChartType = xlPie
.Chart.ChartStyle = 253
.Chart.ChartTitle.text = ChartTitle
.left = .Range("A1").left + prevWidth
prevWidth = prevWidth + .width
End With
Next f
End Sub
I created a new variable prevWidth
, which is incremented after each chart added.
Upvotes: 1