Reputation: 121
Is it possible to create allocation for struct
that contains type as an attribute ?
For example
Example struct is
const Content = struct {
content: type,
name: []const u8,
Then, i would like to allocate memory for example of 2
* Content
I know i could use
const list: [2]CustomElement = .{ Content{ .content = Type, .name = "test" }, Content{ .content = Type, .name = "test" } };
But how to achieve them same thing using allocators
This doesn't work.
comptime {
var list = std.ArrayList(Content).init(test_allocator);
try list.append(Content{ .content = MyType , .name = "test" });
I get error
error: parameter of type '*std.array_list.ArrayListAligned(Content,null)' must be declared comptime
For short
Is it possible to build functionality for something like Box
does in Rust ?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 3009
Reputation: 8656
From my understanding, I don't think the allocators currently available in the language (0.6.0 at the time of writing), which usually require a 'comptime` type parameter, currently permit this.
From the current documentation relating to comptime
, concerning the type
In Zig, types are first-class citizens. They can be assigned to variables, passed as parameters to functions, and returned from functions. However, they can only be used in expressions which are known at compile-time, which is why the parameter T in the above snippet must be marked with comptime.
It does seem like something that should be possible, in that I think type
must have a size, and you could probably allocate a structure that could hold it.
It does look like the comptime
allocation is a use case that might be supported in upcoming versions:, but I'm not sure how that would interact with type
I'm a fairly new to Zig, so hopefully someone will provide a more complete answer =D
Edit: I'm sure it isn't the question you're asking, but if, like in the example above, you're only storing objects with the same type in the list, I guess you could do something with generics?
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
const cw = ContentWrapper(MyType);
var list = std.ArrayList(cw.Content).init(std.heap.page_allocator);
try list.append(cw.Content{ .content = MyType{ .id = 1, .property = 30 }, .name = "First" });
try list.append(cw.Content{ .content = MyType{ .id = 2, .property = 10 }, .name = "Second" });
const MyType = struct {
id: u8, property: f32
fn ContentWrapper(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
pub const Content = struct {
content: T, name: []const u8
Upvotes: 2