
Reputation: 33

Array creation too slow

I am trying to create an image array from scratch. I got the code running but it takes arrounds 30 secs to run it. I feel it could be faster by using numpy native functions. How can I do this?

import cv2
import numpy as np
import time

volumes = np.random.randint(low=0, high=200, size=10000)

image_heigh = 128
image_width = 256
image_channel = 3

show_img = False

def nomralized(data, data_min, data_max, maximum_value):

    nomamized_data = maximum_value * ((data - data_min) / (data_max - data_min))

    return nomamized_data

start_time = time.time()

for ii in range(len(volumes)-image_width):
    # ===================== part to optimize start
    final_image = np.zeros((image_heigh, image_width, image_channel))

    start = ii
    end = ii + image_width

    current_vols = volumes[start:end]

    # nomalize data
    vol_min = 0
    vol_max = np.max(current_vols)

    vol_norm = nomralized(data=current_vols,

    for xxx in range(image_width):
        final_image[:int(vol_norm[xxx]), xxx, :] = 1

    # ===================== part to optimize end

    if show_img:
        image = np.float32(final_image)
        image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        cv2.imshow("ok", image)

print("total running time: ", (time.time() - start_time))

How can I do to make this image array creation faster? I need to create the image every timesteps because I want to simulate real live data stream that come every new timesteps.

This is why I would like to optimize only this part of the code :

for xxx in range(image_width):
    final_image[:int(vol_norm[xxx]), xxx, :] = 1

How can I do this?

Upvotes: 3

Views: 515

Answers (1)


Reputation: 16765

First simplest optimizations are next:

  1. Use comparing values to np.arange(...) instead of inner loop.
  2. Use gray image instead of 3-channels RGB. 3 times less data to process.
  3. Use np.uint8 type instead of np.float32, which is faster to process and doesn't need conversion to float32 for CV2 visualizing.

All these above optimizations give huge speedup (10x times), and my running time is 2.6 sec instead of 27 sec before.

Also another very useful optimization that I didn't do is that you don't need to recompute previous image pixels in a case when max/min of whole data within current window didn't change. You need to recompute previous image data only in the case if max/min changed. And I expect that your real-life data is gradually changing like Forex or Bitcoin prices, hence max/min change within a window is very non-often.

Optimizations 1)-3) mentioned above are implemented in the next code:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import time

volumes = np.random.randint(low=0, high=200, size=10000)

image_heigh = 128
image_width = 256
image_channel = 3

show_img = False

def nomralized(data, data_min, data_max, maximum_value):

    nomamized_data = maximum_value * ((data - data_min) / (data_max - data_min))

    return nomamized_data

start_time = time.time()

aranges = np.arange(image_heigh, dtype = np.int32)[:, None]

for ii in range(len(volumes)-image_width):
    # ===================== part to optimize start
    #final_image = np.zeros((image_heigh, image_width, image_channel), dtype = np.float32)

    start = ii
    end = ii + image_width

    current_vols = volumes[start:end]

    # nomalize data
    vol_min = 0
    vol_max = np.max(current_vols)

    vol_norm = nomralized(data=current_vols,

    final_image = (aranges < vol_norm[None, :].astype(np.int32)).astype(np.uint8) * 255

    # ===================== part to optimize end

    if show_img:
        cv2.imshow('ok', final_image)

print("total running time: ", (time.time() - start_time))

For above code I just did one more optimization of inner loop which speed-up code above even 2x times more to have timings of 1.3 sec. But also I put back 3 channels plus float32, this reduced speed resulting in final 2.8 sec, here is the code

Another next optimization is possible if re-computing old images data is not needed.

Main thing to be optimized was that you were re-computing almost same whole image on each step with 1 pixel shift-step along width. Instead of this you need to compute whole image once, then shift right not 1 pixel but whole image width.

Then after this optimization running time is 0.08 sec.

And do 1 pixel stepping only for showing animation, not for computing image data, image data should be computed just once if you need speed.

import cv2
import numpy as np
import time

volumes = np.random.randint(low=0, high=200, size=10000)

image_heigh = 128
image_width = volumes.size #256
image_channel = 3
screen_width = 256

show_img = False

def nomralized(data, data_min, data_max, maximum_value):

    nomamized_data = maximum_value * ((data - data_min) / (data_max - data_min))

    return nomamized_data

start_time = time.time()

for ii in range(0, len(volumes), image_width):
    # ===================== part to optimize start
    final_image = np.zeros((image_heigh, image_width, image_channel))

    start = ii
    end = ii + image_width

    current_vols = volumes[start:end]

    # nomalize data
    vol_min = 0
    vol_max = np.max(current_vols)

    vol_norm = nomralized(data=current_vols,

    for xxx in range(image_width):
        final_image[:int(vol_norm[xxx]), xxx, :] = 1

    # ===================== part to optimize end

    if show_img:
        for start in range(0, final_image.shape[1] - screen_width):
            image = np.float32(final_image[:, start : start + screen_width])
            image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            cv2.imshow("ok", image)

print("total running time: ", (time.time() - start_time))

I also created animation image out of your data:


If you want to create same animation just append next piece of code to the end of script above:

# Needs: python -m pip install pillow
import PIL.Image
imgs = [PIL.Image.fromarray(final_image[:, start : start + screen_width].astype(np.uint8) * 255) for start in range(0, final_image.shape[1] - screen_width, 6)]
imgs[0].save('result.png', append_images = imgs[1:], save_all = True, lossless = True, duration = 100)

I've implemented also simulation of real-time live stream data rendering/visualizing.

  1. live_stream() generator spits out random amount of data at random points of time, this is to simulate data generation process.
  2. stream_fetcher() listens to live stream and records all data received to python queue q0, this fetcher is run in one thread.
  3. renderer() gets data recorded by fetcher and renders it into image through your mathematical formulas and normalization process, it renders as much data as available, resulting in images with varying widths, rendered images are saved to another queue q1.
  4. visualizer() visualizes rendered data by fetching as much rendered images as available.

All functions run in separate threads not to block whole process. Also if any of threads works to slow then it skips some of data to catch-up with current real-time data, thus every queue doesn't overflow.

Also you may see that visualized process is jumpy, it is not because functions are somewhat slow, but because live stream spits out different amount of data in each time step, this is how usually real-time data may behave.

In the next code I did also extra optimization mentioned before, that is not-recomputing image if min/max didn't change.

import cv2, numpy as np
import time, random, threading, queue

image_height = 256
image_width = 512

# Make results reproducible and deterministic

def live_stream():
    last = 0.
    while True:
        a = np.random.uniform(low = -1., high = 1., size = random.randint(1, 20)).astype(np.float64).cumsum() + last
        yield a
        last = a[-1]
        time.sleep(random.random() * 0.1)

q0 = queue.Queue()
def stream_fetcher():
    for e in live_stream():

threading.Thread(target = stream_fetcher, daemon = True).start()

aranges = np.arange(image_height, dtype = np.int32)[:, None]

q1 = queue.Queue()
def renderer():
    def normalized(data, data_min, data_max, maximum_value):
        nomamized_data = maximum_value * ((data - data_min) / (data_max - data_min))
        return nomamized_data

    prev_image = np.zeros((image_height, 0), dtype = np.uint8)
    prev_vols = np.zeros((0,), dtype = np.float64)
    while True:        
        data = []
            while True:
                data.append(q0.get(block = False))
        except queue.Empty:
        vols = np.concatenate(data)[-image_width:]
        prev_vols = prev_vols[-(image_width - vols.size) or prev_vols.size:]
        concat_vols = np.concatenate((prev_vols, vols))[-image_width:]
        vols_min, vols_max = np.amin(concat_vols), np.amax(concat_vols)
        if prev_vols.size > 0 and (vols_min < np.amin(prev_vols) - 10 ** -8 or vols_max > np.amax(prev_vols) + 10 ** -8):
            vols = concat_vols
            prev_image = prev_image[:, :-prev_vols.size]
            prev_vols = prev_vols[:0]

        vols_norm = normalized(
            data = vols, data_min = vols_min,
            data_max = vols_max, maximum_value = image_height,
        image = (aranges < vols_norm.astype(np.int32)[None, :]).astype(np.uint8) * 255
        whole_image = np.concatenate((prev_image, image), axis = 1)[:, -image_width:]
        prev_image = whole_image
        prev_vols = concat_vols

threading.Thread(target = renderer, daemon = True).start()

def visualizer():
    imgs = []
    while True:
        data = []
            while True:
                data.append(q1.get(block = False))
        except queue.Empty:
        image = np.concatenate(data, axis = 1)[:, -image_width:]
        cv2.imshow('ok', image)

        if imgs is not None:
                # Needs: python -m pip install pillow
                import PIL.Image
                has_pil = True
                has_pil = False
                imgs = None
            if has_pil:
                imgs.append(PIL.Image.fromarray(np.pad(image, ((0, 0), (image_width - image.shape[1], 0)), constant_values = 0)))

                if len(imgs) >= 1000:
                    print('saving...', flush = True)
                    imgs[0].save('result.png', append_images = imgs[1:], save_all = True, lossless = True, duration = 100)
                    imgs = None
                    print('saved!', flush = True)

threading.Thread(target = visualizer, daemon = True).start()

while True:

Above live process simulation is rendered into result.png which I show down below:


I've also decided to improve visualization, by using more advanced matplotlib instead of cv2 to be able to show axes and doing real-time plot drawing. Visualization image is down below:


Next is a matplotlib-based code corresponding to last image above:

import cv2, numpy as np
import time, random, threading, queue

image_height = 256
image_width = 512
save_nsec = 20
dpi, fps = 100, 15

# Make results reproducible and deterministic

def live_stream():
    last = 0.
    pos = 0
    while True:
        a = np.random.uniform(low = -1., high = 1., size = random.randint(1, 30)).astype(np.float64).cumsum() + last
        yield a, pos, pos + a.size - 1
        pos += a.size
        last = a[-1]
        time.sleep(random.random() * 2.2 / fps)

q0 = queue.Queue()
def stream_fetcher():
    for e in live_stream():

threading.Thread(target = stream_fetcher, daemon = True).start()

aranges = np.arange(image_height, dtype = np.int32)[:, None]

q1 = queue.Queue()
def renderer():
    def normalized(data, data_min, data_max, maximum_value):
        nomamized_data = maximum_value * ((data - data_min) / (data_max - data_min))
        return nomamized_data

    prev_image = np.zeros((image_height, 0), dtype = np.uint8)
    prev_vols = np.zeros((0,), dtype = np.float64)
    while True:        
        data = []
            while True:
                data.append(q0.get(block = False))
        except queue.Empty:
        data_vols = [e[0] for e in data]
        data_minx, data_maxx = data[0][1], data[-1][2]

        vols = np.concatenate(data_vols)[-image_width:]
        prev_vols = prev_vols[-(image_width - vols.size) or prev_vols.size:]
        concat_vols = np.concatenate((prev_vols, vols))[-image_width:]
        vols_min, vols_max = np.amin(concat_vols), np.amax(concat_vols)
        if prev_vols.size > 0 and (vols_min < np.amin(prev_vols) - 10 ** -8 or vols_max > np.amax(prev_vols) + 10 ** -8):
            vols = concat_vols
            prev_image = prev_image[:, :-prev_vols.size]
            prev_vols = prev_vols[:0]

        vols_norm = normalized(
            data = vols, data_min = vols_min,
            data_max = vols_max, maximum_value = image_height,
        image = (aranges < vols_norm.astype(np.int32)[None, :]).astype(np.uint8) * 255
        whole_image = np.concatenate((prev_image, image), axis = 1)[:, -image_width:]
        q1.put((whole_image, data_maxx - whole_image.shape[1] + 1, data_maxx, vols_min, vols_max))
        prev_image = whole_image
        prev_vols = concat_vols

threading.Thread(target = renderer, daemon = True).start()

def visualizer():
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, matplotlib.animation
    def images():
        while True:
            data = []
                while True:
                    data.append(q1.get(block = False))
            except queue.Empty:
            minx = min([e[1] for e in data])
            maxx = min([e[2] for e in data])
            miny = min([e[3] for e in data])
            maxy = min([e[4] for e in data])
            image = np.concatenate([e[0] for e in data], axis = 1)[:, -image_width:]
            image = np.pad(image, ((0, 0), (image_width - image.shape[1], 0)), constant_values = 0)
            image = np.repeat(image[:, :, None], 3, axis = -1)
            yield image, minx, maxx, miny, maxy
    it = images()
    im = None
    fig = plt.figure(figsize = (image_width / dpi, image_height / dpi), dpi = dpi)
    def animate_func(i):
        nonlocal it, im, fig
        image, minx, maxx, miny, maxy = next(it)
        print(f'.', end = '', flush = True)
        if im is None:
            im = plt.imshow(image, interpolation = 'none', aspect = 'auto')
        im.set_extent((minx, maxx, miny, maxy))
        return [im]
    anim = matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate_func, frames = round(save_nsec * fps), interval = 1000 / fps)
    print('saving...', end = '', flush = True)'result.mp4', fps = fps, dpi = dpi, extra_args = ['-vcodec', 'libx264'])'result.gif', fps = fps, dpi = dpi, writer = 'imagemagick')
    print('saved!', end = '', flush = True)

threading.Thread(target = visualizer, daemon = True).start()

while True:

Then I've decided to play a bit and colored last image with RGB palette, the higher the peak is more red-ish it is, if it is more in the middle then it is more green-ish, if it is low enough then it is more blue-ish. Resulting image below was achieved by this coloring code:


And another one colored animation below, line-style instead of bar-style, with the help of this code:


Upvotes: 4

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