Reputation: 15920
What's a batch script command to touch on a file to update its date and time to the current date and time? (Modified Date)
For example, Joe Blow sends me a text document which he created months ago, when he emails me the document, I want to keep track of how old it is from the day I received it (not when he created it) so I want to update the file's date/time to the current date/time.
I have a batch script to automatically weed out files that haven't been edited within 90 days, so this is troublesome when I receive a particularly older file then all of a sudden it disappears.
And I need it via a batch script as I have hundreds of files to manage, and it's for archiving files.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 11298
Reputation: 1093
This is an expansion on aflat's anwer.
1) Microsoft support provides an explanation and simple touch.bat script. 2) My custom touch.cmd, which expands on the MS script by including "touch /?" help text. 3) My custom midastouch.cmd, which provides several options including recursive operation and date operations.
As aflat wrote, the simple answer is:
copy /b FILENAME +,,
As you might expect, FILENAME can include relative or absolute path and wildcards like *.txt.
1. Microsoft1 support:
The following MS-DOS command updates the date and time stamps of a file named "EXAMPLE" without altering the contents of the file. This is similar to the TOUCH utility found in XENIX and in some third-party MS-DOS toolkits.
The COPY command can concatenate a file onto an existing file when used in the form:
In this example, the contents of FILE2 are appended to FILE1, leaving FILE2 unchanged. When copying in this mode, the COPY command switches to ASCII mode where the ^Z (0x01A) end-of-file marker is honored.
Therefore, with the above command, the /b forces the COPY command into binary mode, the filename is the file to be updated, the + (plus sign) indicates that a file is to be appended, and the ,, (commas) are placeholders for the remaining parameters (which are not included in this example). Because the file to be appended is not specified, the COPY command will append nothing and only update the time and date stamps for the file.
The following batch file, TOUCH.BAT, can be used to automate the process:
@echo off
if %1.==. goto end
if not exist %1 goto end
copy /b %1 +,, > nul
echo %1 touched!
This batch file requires one parameter, the file to be "touched." If the parameter is not supplied, line 2 will cause the batch file to exit without doing anything. If the specified file does not exist, line 3 will cause the batch file to exit also.
2. Touch.cmd
@echo off
:: -----------------------------------------
:: Process input parameter
:: -----------------------------------------
: Help requestes?
if "%1%"=="/?" goto help
if "%1%"=="?" goto help
if "%1%"=="" goto help
:: -----------------------------------------
:: Update Modified Date property to now
:: -----------------------------------------
if not exist %1% goto end
copy /b %1% +,, > nul
echo %1 touched!
goto end
@echo off
echo :: --------------------------------------------------------------
echo :: Touch.cmd Help
echo :: --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Touch.cmd is batch script to update the Modified Date property
echo of teh specified file to the current
echo date and time.
echo Syntax: touch filename
echo where,
echo filename is the name of the name of the file to "touch."
echo filename may include a relative o full path.
echo filename may include wild cards like *.txt.
3. MidasTouch.cmd
@echo off
:: -----------------------------------------
:: Find files older than specified date
:: -----------------------------------------
:: -----------------------------------------
:: Default Values
:: -----------------------------------------
set "default_path=%cd%"
set "default_err_log=%cd%\midastouch_err.log"
set /a default_date=-365
set "open_log=False"
set "recurse=True"
:: -----------------------------------------
:: Process input parameters
:: -----------------------------------------
: Help requestes?
if "%1%"=="/?" goto help
if "%1%"=="?" goto help
if /I "%1%"=="help" goto help
set "dir_in="
set "err_log="
set "dd="
:: Read in commandline arguements.
echo Arguements:
if "%1%"=="/p" (
echo Path: %2%
set dir_in=%2%
goto loop_bottom)
if "%1%"=="/l" (
echo Error log: %2%
set err_log=%2%
goto loop_bottom)
if "%1%"=="/-l" (
echo No error log. Output to console.
set err_log=CON
goto loop_bottom)
if "%1%"=="/d" (
echo Date: %2%
set /a dd=%2%
goto loop_bottom)
if "%1%"=="/o" (
echo Open log: True
set "open_log=True"
goto loop_bottom)
if "%1%"=="/-o" (
echo Open log: False
set "open_log=False"
goto loop_bottom)
if "%1%"=="/s" (
echo Recursive: True
set "recurse=True"
goto loop_bottom)
if "%1%"=="/-s" (
echo Recursive: False
set "recurse=False"
goto loop_bottom)
if not "%1%"=="" (
if "%dir_in%"=="" (
echo Path: %1%
set dir_in=%1%
goto loop_bottom)
if "%err_log%"=="" (
echo Error log: %1%
set err_log=%1%
goto loop_bottom)
if "%dd%"=="" (
echo Date: %1%
set /a dd=%1%
goto loop_bottom)
if not "%1%"=="" goto arguement_loop
if "%dir_in%"=="" (
set dir_in=%default_path%)
if "%err_log%"=="" (
set err_log=%default_err_log%)
if "%dd%"=="" (
set /a dd=%default_date%)
:: -----------------------------------------
:: Execution
:: -----------------------------------------
:: Write header
set "header=Touch_dir.cmd Error Log"
if exist %err_log% (
del /q %err_log%)
@echo %header% >%err_log%
set cmd_str="cmd /c copy /b @path +,,"
:: Update Modified Date property to now
if /I "%recurse%"=="True" (
set cmd_str=forfiles /s /p %dir_in% /d %dd% /c %cmd_str%
) else (
set cmd_str=forfiles /p %dir_in% /d %dd% /c %cmd_str%
echo Command: %cmd_str% >>%err_log%
echo Errors: >>%err_log%
echo. >>%err_log%
echo Executing command: %cmd_str%
@echo Updating Modified Date of files older than date: %dd%.
@echo This may take a while. Please be patient...
set cmd_str=%cmd_str% || @echo Failed to update: @path >>%err_log%"
:: Results
@echo Error log: %err_log%
if "%open_log%"=="True" (start %err_log%)
goto end
@echo off
echo :: --------------------------------------------------------------
echo :: Touch_dir.cmd Help
echo :: --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Touch.cmd is batch script to recursively "touch" all files in a
echo folder to update their Modified Date property to the current
echo date and time.
echo Syntax: touch_dir /d directory /l err_log /m months
echo where,
echo /p path Path containing files with Modified
echo Date values to update to now.
echo (default = current directory).
echo /s (or /-s) Recursive (or not recursive) search
echo (default recursive is %recurse%).
echo /l err_log Error log: list of files not updated
echo (default err_log: midastouch_err.log).
echo /o (or /-o) Open (or do not open) error log after
echo execution (default open_log: %open_log%).
echo /d date Selects files with a last modified date greater
echo than or equal to (+), or less than or equal to
echo (-), the specified date using the
echo "MM/dd/yyyy" format; or selects files with a
echo last modified date greater than or equal to (+)
echo the current date plus "dd" days, or less than or
echo equal to (-) the current date minus "dd" days. A
echo valid "dd" number of days can be any number in
echo the range of 0 - 32768.
echo "+" is taken as default sign if not specified.
echo (default date is: %default_date%).
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 2710
Just to add that the same source provide a batch script.
@echo off
goto start
exit /b 0
if %1.==. goto usage
if not exist %1 goto usage
copy /b %1 +,, > nul
echo %1 touched!
exit /b 0
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4329
I can't take all the credit, but I did look through my todo.txt to find it
Microsoft "touch" it's a KB article from like 5 years ago
The jist of it is you use copy /b MYFILENAME +,,
where MYFILENAME is your file
Upvotes: 12