Reputation: 1
I've been trying to write a script in opencv for some greyscale image processing. However, I keep running into an issue when finding and drawing contours on thresholded images. Finding contours is easy and gives me the kind of result that I'm looking for. But, when I choose the largest contour by area and intend to draw it seperately, I get a much more 'broken up' result. I've been trying to figure out what is wrong with my code that results in this for a while now, but frankly can't figure it out. Anybody else have a similar experience or possible solution?
My (admittedly very messy) current code is:
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import os
import math as m
import imutils as imt
read_directory = r'E:\Other\Ultrasound_Trad_Alg\Input'
write_directory = r'E:\Other\Ultrasound_Trad_Alg\Output'
image_files = os.listdir(read_directory)
for image_file in image_files:
input_image_grey = cv.imread(image_file,0)
input_image_color = cv.imread(image_file)
input_image_color_2 = input_image_color.copy()
#Initial Black Background Masking Process:
blurred_input = cv.GaussianBlur(input_image_grey,(7,7),0)
_,thresholded_image_binary = cv.threshold(blurred_input,0,255,cv.THRESH_BINARY)
input_contours,hierarchy = cv.findContours(thresholded_image_binary,cv.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
chosen_input_contour = max(input_contours, key=cv.contourArea)
input_mask = np.zeros_like(input_image_grey)
cv.drawContours(input_mask, chosen_input_contour, -1, 255, -1)
#For Testing and Visualization:
cv.drawContours(input_image_color, chosen_input_contour, -1, (0,255,0), 1)
cv.drawContours(input_image_color_2, input_contours, -1, (0,255,0), 1)
When I run this code, I get the following set of 4 images just to demonstrate what I am talking about:
As can be seen, the initial set of contours are pretty much exactly what I'm looking for. However, by isolating the largest contour in the image and drawing it separately, I get a broken up contour that does not work for me. I've also checked the contour areas and it shows that I should have exactly 5, meaning there shouldn't be any tiny hidden contours messing with results either. Any thoughts on what is happening?
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Views: 271
Reputation: 53164
I think your issue in your Python/OpenCV code is that you have:
input_mask = np.zeros_like(input_image_grey)
and it should be
input_mask = np.zeros_like(thresholded_image_binary)
the binary mask needs to be the same bit-depth as your binary image, not your grayscale image. That is it needs to be 1-bit and not 8-bits.
See if that fixes it.
Upvotes: 1