A while back I wrote a little application to implement a TCP Server, but as a newbie to C# .NET I just followed a tutorial. The authorization part of it works fine, but due to following the tutorial to closely, after the authorization is made, it drops the connection with tcpClient.Close();
How should I adjust this code to keep listening for more packets? I think most servers drop connections after X minutes, but I am still new to this type of thing.
// Starts the TCP RCON Server
public void StartServer()
Console.WriteLine("RCON Server starting on Port: {0}", serverPort);
this.tcpListener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, serverPort);
this.listenThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ListenForClients));
Console.WriteLine("RCON Server has been Started.");
// Listen for Client Connections
private void ListenForClients()
while (true)
// blocks until a client has connected to the server
TcpClient client = this.tcpListener.AcceptTcpClient();
// Create a thread for client communication
Thread clientThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(ReadClientPacket));
private void ReadClientPacket(object client)
TcpClient tcpClient = (TcpClient)client;
NetworkStream clientStream = tcpClient.GetStream();
bool terminate = false;
while (!terminate)
int packetsize;
// Create a new Packet Object and fill out the data from the incoming TCP Packets
RCONPacket packet = new RCONPacket();
using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(clientStream))
// First Int32 is Packet Size
packetsize = reader.ReadInt32();
packet.RequestId = reader.ReadInt32();
packet.RconDataReceived = (RCONPacket.RCONDATA_rec)reader.ReadInt32();
Console.WriteLine("Packet Size: {0} RequestID: {1} ServerData: {2}", packetsize, packet.RequestId, packet.RconDataReceived);
// Read first and second String in the Packet (UTF8 Null Terminated)
packet.String1 = ReadBytesString(reader);
packet.String2 = ReadBytesString(reader);
Console.WriteLine("String1: {0} String2: {1}", packet.String1, packet.String2);
switch (packet.RconDataReceived)
if (packet.String1 == "testpass")
Console.WriteLine("Password is Valid");
ReplyAuthRequest(packet.RequestId, tcpClient, packet.String1); // Junk Packet
ReplyAuthRequest(packet.RequestId, tcpClient, packet.String1);
Console.WriteLine("Password is Invalid");
ReplyAuthRequest(BAD_PASSWORD, tcpClient, packet.String1); // Junk Packet
ReplyAuthRequest(BAD_PASSWORD, tcpClient, packet.String1);
terminate = true;
Console.WriteLine("RCON Command Packet Received");
ReplyExecCommand(packet.RequestId, tcpClient);
catch (Exception ex)
terminate = true;
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Views: 1300
If you notice, you have a lot of break
statements. I am not clear on the entire design of your program, but if you remove those and then add a check for a boolean
value in your while loop such aswhile(!terminated) { .. }
, this would ensure that whenever your application tells the program to end or to stop listening, the loop will also be terminated because you would set terminated
to true
. What you are saying by while(true)
is to continue forever until break
occurs, which then subsequently breaks out of the while loop and calls .Close()
Upvotes: 4