Reputation: 24548
Say I'm using the palantir/gradle-git-version Gradle plugin, and have the following code in build.gradle.kts
to determine the project version:
// If release branch, return after incrementing patch version.
// Else, return $lastTag-SNAPSHOT.
val projectVersion: String by lazy {
val versionDetails: groovy.lang.Closure<VersionDetails> by extra
with(versionDetails()) {
if (!lastTag.matches("^(?:(?:\\d+\\.){2}\\d+)\$".toRegex())) {
throw GradleException("Tag '$lastTag' doesn't match 'MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH' format")
// If it detached state, get branch name from GitLab CI env var
val branch = branchName ?: System.getenv("CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME")
if (branch?.startsWith("release/") == true) {
val tokens = lastTag.split('.')
"${tokens[0]}.${tokens[1]}.${tokens[2].toInt() + commitDistance}"
} else "$lastTag-SNAPSHOT"
This works, but the code is duplicated across all the projects, which is difficult to maintain except for a very small number of projects.
This is just one example, the same applies for other Gradle tasks that assume certain conventions within the company/team, like creating a Dockerfile
What is a good way to centralize such code so that all projects can use them? Note that code like this don't usually stand on their own, but rely on Gradle plugins.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 827
Reputation: 22952
What is a good way to centralize such code so that all projects can use them?
You'll want to create a custom Gradle plugin to hold your project's conventions.
If you have Gradle installed locally, you can use the Build Init Plugin to create a skeleton plugin project. With Gradle installed locally, simple run gradle init
in a new project directory and follow the prompts to create the plugin project.
As a concrete example (assuming you generated a plugin project as mentioned earlier), to apply your versioning conventions, a plugin could be:
// Plugin's build.gradle.kts
dependencies {
// Add dependency for plugin, GAV can be found on the plugins page:
Then a versioning conventions plugin could be:
import com.palantir.gradle.gitversion.VersionDetails
import groovy.lang.Closure
import org.gradle.api.GradleException
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project
class VersioningConventionsPlugin : Plugin<Project> {
override fun apply(project: Project) {
// Apply plugin to project as you would in the main Gradle build file.
// Configure version conventions
val projectVersion: String by lazy {
// Gradle generates some Kotlin DSL code on the fly, in a plugin implementation we don't have that.
// So we must convert the DSL to the Gradle API.
val versionDetails: Closure<VersionDetails> = project.extensions.extraProperties.get("versionDetails") as Closure<VersionDetails>
with( {
if (!lastTag.matches("^(?:(?:\\d+\\.){2}\\d+)\$".toRegex())) {
throw GradleException("Tag '$lastTag' doesn't match 'MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH' format")
val branch = branchName ?: System.getenv("CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME")
if (branch?.startsWith("release/") == true) {
val tokens = lastTag.split('.')
"${tokens[0]}.${tokens[1]}.${tokens[2].toInt() + commitDistance}"
} else "$lastTag-SNAPSHOT"
// Set the version as an extra property on the project
// Accessible via extra["projectVersion"]
project.extensions.extraProperties["projectVersion"] = projectVersion
I gave a Kotlin example since your sample used the Kotlin DSL. Once you've finished development work of your conventions plugin, then you would publish to a repository such as the Gradle Plugins repository. If it's an internal company plugin, then publish it to an internal Nexus Repository or similar.
Follow the docs for the maven-publish
plugin for more details on publishing. Gradle plugins can be published like any other artifact/JAR.
Upvotes: 1