Reputation: 5674
We have multiple schemas, I would like to run a simple count query across schemas such as:
SELECT COUNT(col_x) FROM schema1.table WHENRE col_x IS NOT NULL
I saw that I'm able to get all the schemas with:
SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata
So by using:
set search_path to schema1;
FROM table
WHERE col_x is not NULL;
I was able to run the query for schema1
The question is - is it possible to run in a loop and use the schema name as a parameter for search_path and run the query across all schemas? or any other efficient way to do so?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2036
Reputation: 13009
You will need some plpgsql
and dynamic SQL for this. Here is an anonymous block for illustration:
do language plpgsql
v_schema_name text;
table_row_count bigint;
sysSchema text[] := array['pg_toast','pg_temp_1','pg_toast_temp_1','pg_catalog','public','information_schema'];
-- other declarations here
for v_schema_name in SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE (schema_name != ALL(sysSchema)) loop
execute format('select count(col_x) from %I.t_table', v_schema_name)
into table_row_count;
raise notice 'Schema % count %', v_schema_name, table_row_count;
exception when others then null; -- t_table may not exists in some schemata
-- other statements here
end loop;
And btw WHERE col_x is not NULL
is redundant.
Upvotes: 4