Reputation: 65
I want to automate the keyboard layout based on the application. I am using an Windows VM over remote I wan't to create a script which can:
I have hard time finding a trigger event on application focus change. Is it possible to do it over automator?
Or else kindly suggest another solution to resolve the issue.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 3374
Reputation: 3194
Assuming that you only have two keyboard layouts, you can use the following script application.
First, you'll need to open System Preferences and look at Keyboard➔Shortcuts➔Input Sources; see what the what the keyboard shortcut for 'selecting previous input source' is, make sure it's clicked on, and copy it into the script at the marked places. I have mine set to comd-ctrl-space (^⌘ ), but yours is likely different. You should also check that "Windows VM" is the correct name for the app: find the application in the Finder, select it and type ⌘I to open a Get Info window, and look in the Name & Extension text box.
Now do the following
You can then run it and test it out. The app waits in the background to receive notifications that an app has activated or deactivated, then it checks the app name and triggers the keyboard shortcut for the switching the input source when the Window VM app comes or goes.
use AppleScript version "2.4"
use framework "AppKit"
use scripting additions
property NSWorkspace : class "NSWorkspace"
on run
set workSp to NSWorkspace's sharedWorkspace()
set notifCent to workSp's notificationCenter()
tell notifCent to addObserver:me selector:"appHasActivated:" |name|:"NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification" object:(missing value)
tell notifCent to addObserver:me selector:"appHasDeactivated:" |name|:"NSWorkspaceDidDeactivateApplicationNotification" object:(missing value)
end run
on idle
-- we don't use the idle loop, so tell the system to check in once an hour
return 3600
end idle
on appHasActivated:notif
set targetApp to (notif's userInfo's valueForKey:"NSWorkspaceApplicationKey")
set targetAppName to (targetApp's localizedName) as text
if targetAppName is "Windows VM" then
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Windows VM"
-- change this line to match your 'Select previous input source' keyboard shortcut
keystroke space using {command down, control down}
end tell
end tell
end if
end appHasActivated:
on appHasDeactivated:notif
set targetApp to (notif's userInfo's valueForKey:"NSWorkspaceApplicationKey")
set targetAppName to (targetApp's localizedName) as text
if targetAppName is "Windows VM" then
tell application "System Events"
tell process targetAppName
-- change this line to match your 'Select previous input source' keyboard shortcut
keystroke space using {command down, control down}
end tell
end tell
end if
end appHasDeactivated:
Once you are satisfied it works, you can run the following command in terminal:
defaults write '/path/to/$' LSUIElement -bool yes
This will turn the app into a background agent, which never takes the foreground and is invisible in the dock. That way you can just forget about it.
Upvotes: 5