Reputation: 81
So, im in migrating database from Oracle to PGSql project, and now im fixing some query. i've got an error like this :
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: function nvl(timestamp without time zone, timestamp with time zone) does not exist
Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
and i've found that nvl error from console on this string builder
public List<InsEmployeeInfoVo> load(int first, int pageSize,
String sortField, SortOrder sortOrder, SearchFilter searchFilter) {
SQLQuery query = null;
try {
StringBuilder sqlQuery = new StringBuilder();
sqlQuery.append(" select ");
sqlQuery.append(" pts.PERSON_TRAN_SING_ID, ");
sqlQuery.append(" ext.INTERNALID PERSON_EXT_ID, ");
sqlQuery.append(" people.internalid PERSON_ID, ");
sqlQuery.append(" people.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER NIK, ");
sqlQuery.append(" people.PER_INFORMATION1 PERSON_NAME, ");
sqlQuery.append(" case ");
sqlQuery.append(" when pts.INS_MEMBER_NO is not null ");
sqlQuery.append(" then pts.INS_MEMBER_NO ");
sqlQuery.append(" else ext.INS_MEMBER_NO ");
sqlQuery.append(" end INS_MEMBER_NO, ");
sqlQuery.append(" case ");
sqlQuery.append(" when pts.INS_TOTAL_COVER is not null ");
sqlQuery.append(" then pts.INS_TOTAL_COVER ");
sqlQuery.append(" else ext.INS_TOTAL_COVER ");
sqlQuery.append(" end INS_TOTAL_COVER, ");
sqlQuery.append(" null INS_PLAN_NAME, ");
sqlQuery.append(" case ");
sqlQuery.append(" when pts.INS_BH_CARD_NO is not null ");
sqlQuery.append(" then pts.INS_BH_CARD_NO ");
sqlQuery.append(" else ext.INS_BH_CARD_NO ");
sqlQuery.append(" end INS_BH_CARD_NO, ");
sqlQuery.append(" case ");
sqlQuery.append(" when pts.INS_BH_TOTAL_COVER is not null ");
sqlQuery.append(" then pts.INS_BH_TOTAL_COVER ");
sqlQuery.append(" else ext.INS_BH_TOTAL_COVER ");
sqlQuery.append(" end INS_BH_TOTAL_COVER, ");
sqlQuery.append(" null INS_BH_PLAN_NAME, ");
sqlQuery.append(" pts.PROCESS_STATUS PROCESS_STATUS, ");
sqlQuery.append(" BTPN_INS_F_GET_CHECKER (people.internalid,:singSourceType,1) PROCESS_STATUS_NAME, ");
sqlQuery.append(" pts2.PERSON_TRAN_SING_ID PERSON_TRAN_SING_ID_2, ");
sqlQuery.append(" pts2.PROCESS_STATUS PROCESS_STATUS_2, ");
sqlQuery.append(" upl.PERSON_DATA_UPL_DTL_ID, ");
sqlQuery.append(" NVL(pts.UPDATE_ON, pts.CREATE_ON) INPUT_DATE, ");
sqlQuery.append(" BTPN_INS_F_GET_CHECKER (people.internalid,:singSourceType,2) NOTE_APPROVE, pts.NOTE ");
sqlQuery.append(" from WOT_PEOPLE people ");
sqlQuery.append(" inner join WOT_ASSIGNMENT assign ");
sqlQuery.append(" on assign.PERSON_ID = people.internalid ");
sqlQuery.append(" and assign.PRIMARY_FLAG = 'Y' ");
sqlQuery.append(" and (date_trunc('day', now()) between assign.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and assign.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE) ");
sqlQuery.append(" left join BTPN_INS_PEOPLE_EXT ext ");
sqlQuery.append(" on ext.PERSON_ID = people.internalid ");
sqlQuery.append(" and date_trunc('day', now()) between ext.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and NVL(ext.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE, now()) ");
i think something wrong with the last NVL variable but im not sure, im not usually use this native query and im new in PGSql too
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