Reputation: 5
I have a 3-node Kafka cluster on another machine in which I cant connect and consume messages with Spring boot application remotely. I have changed my config file like this:
advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT://<myActual IP address>:9092
and here is my application.yml:
bootstrap-servers: :9092,:9093,:9094
group-id: test-consumer-group
auto-offset-reset: earliest
key-deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
value-deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
when I run the application, I got this error:
2020-10-26 12:47:52.524 WARN 4524 --- [| adminclient-1]
org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient : [AdminClient clientId=adminclient-1]
Connection to node -1 (localhost/ could not be established.
Broker may not be available.
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Views: 759
Reputation: 174799
bootstrap-servers: :9092,:9093,:9094
You need to specify the host name or ip address.
Upvotes: 1