Reputation: 818
I am trying to get navigation directions using mapbox-sdk for react-native from npm package:
"@mapbox/mapbox-sdk": "^0.11.0"
And for rendering the directions returned by mapbox-sdk I am using the below npm package:
"@react-native-mapbox-gl/maps": "^8.1.0-rc.8",
Code I am using for retrieving directions:
import MapboxGL from '@react-native-mapbox-gl/maps'
// Mapbox SDK related package
import MapboxDirectionsFactory from '@mapbox/mapbox-sdk/services/directions'
import { lineString as makeLineString } from '@turf/helpers'
import GeoLocationService from '../../services/geolocation/GeoLocationService';
import GeoLocationCore from '@react-native-community/geolocation'
const directionsClient = MapboxDirectionsFactory({accessToken})
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
longitude: 0,
latitude: 0,
orderLongitude: 0,
orderLatitude: 0,
route: null,
async componentDidMount() {
const {route} = this.props
// Lets say route.params contains the below object:
// { "longitude": "33.981982", "latitude": "-6.851599"}
console.log("Params from other screen: ", route.params)
const permission = await MapboxGL.requestAndroidLocationPermissions();
let latitude, longitude;
if(Platform.OS == "android") {
GeoLocationService.requestLocationPermission().then(() => {
info => {
const { coords } = info
latitude = coords.latitude
longitude = coords.longitude
//this.setState({longitude: coords.longitude, latitude: coords.latitude})
this.setState({longitude: -6.873795, latitude: 33.990777, orderLongitude: route.params.longitude, orderLatitude: route.params.latitude})
console.log("your lon: ", longitude)
console.log("your lat", latitude)
this.getDirections([-6.873795, 33.990777], [route.params.longitude, route.params.latitude])
error => console.log(error),
enableHighAccuracy: false,
//timeout: 2000,
maximumAge: 3600000
getDirections = async (startLoc, destLoc) => {
const reqOptions = {
waypoints: [
{coordinates: startLoc},
{coordinates: destLoc},
profile: 'driving',
geometries: 'geojson',
const res = await directionsClient.getDirections(reqOptions).send()
//const route = makeLineString(res.body.routes[0].geometry.coordinates)
const route = makeLineString(res.body.routes[0].geometry.coordinates)
console.log("Route: ", JSON.stringify(route))
this.setState({route: route})
Code I am using for rendering road directions fetched by mapbox-sdk:
renderRoadDirections = () => {
const { route } = this.state
return route ? (
<MapboxGL.ShapeSource id="routeSource" shape={route.geometry}>
<MapboxGL.LineLayer id="routeFill" aboveLayerID="customerAnnotation" style={{lineColor: "#ff8109", lineWidth: 3.2, lineCap: MapboxGL.LineJoin.Round, lineOpacity: 1.84}} />
) : null;
Code I am using for rendering map and directions:
render() {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
ref={(c) => this._map = c}
style={{flex: 1, zIndex: -10}}
centerCoordinate={[this.state.longitude, this.state.latitude]}
centerCoordinate={[this.state.longitude, this.state.latitude]}
Now when I try to render the GeoJson retreived the road directions line not showing on map, so I thought maybe something wrong with my GeoJson and tested it from here but it looks fine:
GeoJson that I tested and looks okay:
Example of what I am trying to achieve:
What could be wrong in my code that makes road directions line not showing on map?
Upvotes: 10
Views: 5309
Reputation: 818
Found what was causing the <LineLayer/>
not showing on map, removing the the attribute aboveLayerID
from the following line:
<MapboxGL.LineLayer id="routeFill" aboveLayerID="customerAnnotation" style={{lineColor: "#ff8109", lineWidth: 3.2, lineCap: MapboxGL.LineJoin.Round, lineOpacity: 1.84}} />
So it becomes:
<MapboxGL.LineLayer id="routeFill" style={{lineColor: "#ff8109", lineWidth: 3.2, lineCap: MapboxGL.LineJoin.Round, lineOpacity: 1.84}} />
Upvotes: 3