Reputation: 1221
I have used fastapi for project facing issue with sqlachemy model
sqlachemy create model first time but when we change in model not affect on postgres database. Overcome this problem.
like: rename is_superuser to is_admin
def upgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
op.add_column("user", sa.Column("is_admin", sa.Boolean(), nullable=True))
op.drop_column("user", "is_superuser")
# ### end Alembic commands ###
see what's going on droping is_superuser column inted of rename
I know the tricky solution is custom adding action in migration
op.alter_column('table_name','column_name',new_column_name='new column name')
How to handle model migration with sqlalchemy in fastapi because if i will make mistake in alembic migration it would be denger for me.
Is there any other package or way to handle migration with sqlalchemy
Upvotes: 7
Views: 3850
Reputation: 11695
use case: rename column from
in the tableuser
For the above case, we can write the migration like below.
def upgrade():
op.alter_column('user', 'is_superuser', nullable=True, new_column_name='is_admin')
Now, run the command alembic upgrade head --sql
to see the actual SQL
that will be applied on the databse.
ALTER TABLE user RENAME is_superuser TO is_admin;
def upgrade():
op.execute('ALTER TABLE user RENAME is_superuser TO is_admin;')
run command
alembic upgrade head
to apply the migration on the database.
Upvotes: 1