Any information on how to display the ODBC connections dialog and get the chosen ODBC back?
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// a_RootKey is Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
// DSN is a class not provided in this code sample - you can see what properties are needed from the usage below.
List<DSN> DsnList = new List<DSN>();
Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey SearchKey = a_RootKey.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\ODBC\\ODBC.INI\\ODBC Data Sources");
if (SearchKey != null)
foreach (string DsnName in SearchKey.GetValueNames() )
if ( (string)SearchKey.GetValue(DsnName) == "SQL Server" )
Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey anotherkey = a_RootKey.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\ODBC\\ODBC.INI\\" + DSNName);
DSN dsn = new DSN();
dsn.Name = DSNName;
dsn.Server = (string)anotherkey.GetValue("Server");
dsn.Database = (string)anotherkey.GetValue("Database");
dsn.Driver = (string)anotherkey.GetValue("Driver");
return DsnList;
Upvotes: 2