Reputation: 1653

MongoDB limit group by results

My mongo DB has a document with following structure:

{'vname':'x', 'pname': 'xyz', 'price': '10000'}

I want to get all documents which match the pname='xy' and then group by vname and limit results for each vname by 4.

pipeline = [
        '$facet': {
            'v1': [
                    '$match': {'vname': 'v1'}
                    '$sort': {'price': 1}
                    '$limit': 4
            'v2': [
                    '$match': {'vname': 'v2'}
                    '$sort': {'price': 1}
                    '$limit': 4

docs = Pinfo.objects(pname__icontains='xy').aggregate(pipeline=pipeline)

The other way I see is to run the filter query multiple times for each vname

docs = Pinfo.objects.filter(Q(pname__icontains='xy')&Q(vname__exact='v1')).limit(4)

Any other way to achieve the same? Is using the aggregate and pipeline approach the better way?

Upvotes: 2

Views: 599

Answers (1)


Reputation: 36104

You can try,

  • $match pname condition
  • $sort by pname ascending order (optional)
  • $group by vname and push root object in items and make array
  • $project to show required fields and get 4 objects using $slice
  { $match: { pname: "xy" } },
  { $sort: { pname: 1 } },
    $group: {
      _id: "$vname",
      items: { $push: "$$ROOT" }
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      vname: "$_id",
      items: { $slice: ["$items", 4] }


If you want all objects in root then you can add below pipelines after above pipelines,

  • $unwind deconstruct items array to object
  • $replaceRoot to replace items object in root
  { $unwind: "$items" },
  { $replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$items" } }


A more option from MongoDB 5.2, using the $topN operator in the $group stage,

  { $match: { pname: "xy" } },
    $group: {
      _id: "$vname",
      items: {
        $topN: {
          output: {
            pname: "$pname",
            price: "$price"
          sortBy: { price: 1 },
          n: 4


Upvotes: 2

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