Reputation: 78
I am trying to sign pdf document digitally and need to attach signature to signature panel using MSSP(mobile signature service provider). I researched some stackoverflow questions and i did things as below.
First i create checksum of pdf. Before generate the checksum add empty signature to pdf. After i generated the checksum i send that as data to sign document to the server. The server gives to me base64 signature and i found certificate chain from base64 signature. Now i need to attach signature to the pdf, show to the "Signature Panel" section of Adobe reader.
I extract certificate chain from base64 signature and i dont know how to attach this to pdf.
My code is :
this function does create empty signature to pdf.
public static void emptySignature(String src, String dest, String fieldname) throws IOException, DocumentException, GeneralSecurityException {
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(dest);
PdfStamper stamper = PdfStamper.createSignature(reader, os, '\0');
PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = stamper.getSignatureAppearance();
appearance.setVisibleSignature(new Rectangle(36, 748, 144, 780), 1, fieldname);
ExternalSignatureContainer external = new ExternalBlankSignatureContainer(PdfName.ADOBE_PPKLITE, PdfName.ADBE_PKCS7_DETACHED);
MakeSignature.signExternalContainer(appearance, external, 8192);
this function does get SHA-256 hash value of pdf.
public static String getHashValue(String filename) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
String hex = checksum("output.pdf", md);
System.out.println("CHECKSUM: " + hex);
return hex;
private static String checksum(String filepath, MessageDigest md) throws IOException {
try (DigestInputStream dis = new DigestInputStream(new FileInputStream(filepath), md)) {
while ( != -1) ;
md = dis.getMessageDigest();
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (byte b : md.digest()) {
result.append(String.format("%02x", b));
return result.toString();
then i send the hash of pdf to server and got base 64 signature value: "MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCAMIACAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADCABgkqhkiG9w0BBwGggAQEVEVTVAAAAACggDCCBhwwggQEoAMCAQIC ... NKodC346j0GKueTJ595rhi2NbT679XZwMaMMqEyT41pimV76Nm85eW/2yYjHt08gCNVSJGP7laR8taVAAAAAAAAA="
The certifcate chain looks like this:
i tried some methods to attach signature to pdf's Signature panel but it requires private key. So please helping me giving for some advise, Thank you.
After i attach signature to pdf using public certificate i got message in pdf "signature is invalid"
This code is how i attach signature(I generated pem file from first certificate of chain):
final String SRC = "test.pdf";
final String DEST = "signed.pdf";
final String CERT = "cert.pem";
File initialFile = new File(CERT);
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(initialFile);
// We get the self-signed certificate from the client
CertificateFactory factory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
Certificate[] chain = new Certificate[1];
chain[0] = factory.generateCertificate(is);
System.out.println("chain[0]: -----> " + chain[0]);
// we create a reader and a stamper
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(SRC);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PdfStamper stamper = PdfStamper.createSignature(reader, baos, '\0');
// we create the signature appearance
PdfSignatureAppearance sap = stamper.getSignatureAppearance();
sap.setVisibleSignature(new Rectangle(36, 748, 36, 748), 1, "signature"); //invisible
// we create the signature infrastructure
PdfSignature dic = new PdfSignature(PdfName.ADOBE_PPKLITE, PdfName.ADBE_PKCS7_DETACHED);
dic.setDate(new PdfDate(sap.getSignDate()));
HashMap<PdfName, Integer> exc = new HashMap<PdfName, Integer>();
exc.put(PdfName.CONTENTS, new Integer(8192 * 2 + 2));
ExternalDigest externalDigest = new ExternalDigest() {
public MessageDigest getMessageDigest(String hashAlgorithm)
throws GeneralSecurityException {
return DigestAlgorithms.getMessageDigest(hashAlgorithm, null);
PdfPKCS7 sgn = new PdfPKCS7(null, chain, "SHA256", null, externalDigest, false);
InputStream data = sap.getRangeStream();
byte hash[] = DigestAlgorithms.digest(data, externalDigest.getMessageDigest("SHA256"));
// we get OCSP and CRL for the cert
OCSPVerifier ocspVerifier = new OCSPVerifier(null, null);
OcspClient ocspClient = new OcspClientBouncyCastle(ocspVerifier);
byte[] ocsp = null;
if (chain.length >= 2 && ocspClient != null) {
ocsp = ocspClient.getEncoded((X509Certificate) chain[0], (X509Certificate) chain[1], null);
byte[] sh = sgn.getAuthenticatedAttributeBytes(hash, ocsp, null, MakeSignature.CryptoStandard.CMS);
byte[] signedAttributesHash = DigestAlgorithms.digest(new ByteArrayInputStream(sh), externalDigest.getMessageDigest("SHA256"));
ByteArrayOutputStream os = baos;
byte[] signedHash = java.util.Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64Signature);
// we complete the PDF signing process
sgn.setExternalDigest(signedHash, null, "RSA");
Collection<byte[]> crlBytes = null;
TSAClientBouncyCastle tsaClient = null;
byte[] encodedSig = sgn.getEncodedPKCS7(hash, tsaClient, ocsp, crlBytes, MakeSignature.CryptoStandard.CMS);
byte[] paddedSig = new byte[8192];
System.arraycopy(encodedSig, 0, paddedSig, 0, encodedSig.length);
PdfDictionary dic2 = new PdfDictionary();
dic2.put(PdfName.CONTENTS, new PdfString(paddedSig).setHexWriting(true));
try {
} catch (DocumentException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(DEST));
public byte[] sign(byte[] message) throws GeneralSecurityException {
MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance(getHashAlgorithm());
byte[] messageHash = messageDigest.digest(message);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < messageHash.length; ++i) {
sb.append(Integer.toHexString((messageHash[i] & 0xFF) | 0x100).substring(1, 3));
byte[] signedByte = null;
String msisdn = "97688888888";
Client client = null;
try {
client = new Client( msisdn, sb.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
try {
String strResult = client.sendRequest();
JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject(strResult);
System.out.println("Response:" + jsonResult);
String base64Signature = jsonResult.getJSONObject("MSS_SignatureResp").getJSONObject("MSS_Signature").getString("Base64Signature");
signedByte = Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64Signature);
} catch (IOException | JSONException e) {
return signedByte;
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1163
Reputation: 96029
The code in the question is based on a multi-phase approach:
).If the signature server can take a long time to return a signature container, such an approach is appropriate but in the case at hand comments clarify
The server gives response quickly(just few seconds)
In such a use case one should proceed in a single step approach (as far as iText signing API calls are concerned):
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(...);
PdfStamper stamper = PdfStamper.createSignature(reader, ..., '\0');
PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = stamper.getSignatureAppearance();
appearance.setVisibleSignature(new Rectangle(36, 748, 144, 780), 1, "Signature");
ExternalSignatureContainer external = new RemoteSignatureContainer();
MakeSignature.signExternalContainer(appearance, external, 8192);
with a custom ExternalSignatureContainer
implementation RemoteSignatureContainer
class RemoteSignatureContainer implements ExternalSignatureContainer {
public byte[] sign(InputStream data) throws GeneralSecurityException {
[return a CMS signature container signing the data from the InputStream argument]
public void modifySigningDictionary(PdfDictionary signDic) {
signDic.put(PdfName.FILTER, PdfName.ADOBE_PPKLITE);
signDic.put(PdfName.SUBFILTER, PdfName.ADBE_PKCS7_DETACHED);
I don't know your API to access your signature server but based on your UPDATE 2 I assume the sign
method in your RemoteSignatureContainer
would look like this:
public byte[] sign(InputStream data) throws GeneralSecurityException {
MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA256");
byte[] messageHash = messageDigest.digest(StreamUtil.inputStreamToArray(data));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < messageHash.length; ++i) {
sb.append(Integer.toHexString((messageHash[i] & 0xFF) | 0x100).substring(1, 3));
String msisdn = "97688888888";
try {
Client client = new Client(msisdn, sb.toString());
String strResult = client.sendRequest();
JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject(strResult);
String base64Signature = jsonResult
return Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64Signature);
} catch (IOException | JSONException e) {
throw new GeneralSecurityException(e);
Upvotes: 1