Reputation: 674
I'd like to knit an article to a PDF document without an abstract. If I just leave out the abstract part in the YAML header, the Abstract headline is still produced in the document. Is there a way to drop this without changing the underlying function or document class?
I've tried such approaches as abstract: false
or none
which seem to work for some of the other YAML header arguments.
A reproducible YAML header which is a slightly modified version of the rticles
package example:
title: Short Paper
- name: Alice Anonymous
email: [email protected]
affiliation: Some Institute of Technology
footnote: 1
- name: Bob Security
email: [email protected]
affiliation: Another University
- name: Cat Memes
email: [email protected]
affiliation: Another University
footnote: 2
- name: Derek Zoolander
email: [email protected]
affiliation: Some Institute of Technology
footnote: 2
- code: Some Institute of Technology
address: Department, Street, City, State, Zip
- code: Another University
address: Department, Street, City, State, Zip
- code: 1
text: "Corresponding Author"
- code: 2
text: "Equal contribution"
journal: "An awesome journal"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
bibliography: mybibfile.bib
#linenumbers: true
#numbersections: true
csl: elsevier-harvard.csl
output: rticles::elsevier_article
So the resulting document looks like this (the Abstract headline is what I'd like to get rid of):
The intermediate LaTex file generated by Pandoc has the following code in it:
\documentclass[]{elsarticle} %review=doublespace preprint=single 5p=2 column
%%% Begin My package additions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\journal{An awesome journal} % Sets Journal name
\usepackage{lineno} % add
\usepackage{booktabs} % book-quality tables
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end my additions to header
\usepackage{fixltx2e} % provides \textsubscript
% use upquote if available, for straight quotes in verbatim environments
\ifnum 0\ifxetex 1\fi\ifluatex 1\fi=0 % if pdftex
\else % if luatex or xelatex
% use microtype if available
\usepackage[setpagesize=false, % page size defined by xetex
unicode=false, % unicode breaks when used with xetex
pdftitle={Short Paper},
pdfborder={0 0 0}}
\urlstyle{same} % don't use monospace font for urls
% Pandoc toggle for numbering sections (defaults to be off)
% Pandoc citation processing
% Pandoc header
\title{Short Paper}
\author[Some Institute of Technology]{Alice Anonymous\corref{1}}
\ead{[email protected]}
\author[Another University]{Bob Security}
\ead{[email protected]}
\author[Another University]{Cat Memes\corref{2}}
\ead{[email protected]}
\author[Some Institute of Technology]{Derek Zoolander\corref{2}}
\ead{[email protected]}
\address[Some Institute of Technology]{Department, Street, City, State, Zip}
\address[Another University]{Department, Street, City, State, Zip}
\cortext[1]{Corresponding Author}
\cortext[2]{Equal contribution}
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1813
Reputation: 39002
to your header-includes. This will nullify the abstract environment.
Upvotes: 6