Reputation: 29
I'm using the varImp(model, scale = FALSE) function for multiclass and got a result of 20 most important variables with three columns since there are three classes. It is currently sorted based on the first column, but is there any way to sort it based on the second column? I tried sorting it and convert to dataframe, it doesn't work: cannot coerce class ‘"varImp.train"’ to a data.frame.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 541
Reputation: 46898
My guess is that you are using randomForest with caret, otherwise the varImp()
function will not work.
please provide this information in your question.
So you can store the varImp() results and sort after:
rf = train(Species ~ .,data=iris,method="rf",trControl=trainControl(method="cv"),importance=TRUE)
rf variable importance
variables are sorted by maximum importance across the classes
setosa versicolor virginica
Petal.Length 22.013 33.4341 27.738
Petal.Width 22.454 32.3445 30.897
Sepal.Length 6.649 8.6931 8.569
Sepal.Width 4.420 -0.8063 3.560
res = varImp(rf,scale=FALSE)$importance
Sort by second column,
setosa versicolor virginica
Petal.Length 22.013431 33.434069 27.738319
Petal.Width 22.453571 32.344497 30.897214
Sepal.Length 6.649072 8.693132 8.569421
Sepal.Width 4.419712 -0.806256 3.559570
Upvotes: 1