Reputation: 119
I am trying to run a shell script which checks whether today is the last Saturday of the current month and then it runs some script. For eg- 28th is the last Sat of this month. This is the code I am trying:
DoDay=$(ncal -h | awk ' /Su/ {print $(NF-1)}')
Date=(date +%d)
if [[$Date == $DoDay]]
echo "Last Saturday"
echo "not last"
While executing, it shows as :
ncal:command not found.
Can anybody please help here? Thanks in advance
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Views: 673
Reputation: 1083
GNU date has some text parsing powers that simplyfies this:
if test `date +%w` -eq 6 && test "$(date +%m)" -ne "$(date -d 'next saturday' +%m)"; then
echo "Last Saturday"
echo "not last"
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Some alternatives to get the last Saturday of the month:
$ ncal | awk '$1 == "Sa" {print $NF}'
$ cal | awk 'NF == 7 {day = $7} END {print day}'
GNU date with some shell arithmetic: This uses nested date calls to get the day and day-of-week of the last day of this month, then iterates backwards until the day-of-week is Saturday.
$ read day dow < <(date -d "$(date '+%Y-%m-01 +1 month -1 day')" '+%d %w')
$ while ((dow != 6)); do ((day--)); ((dow = (dow - 1 + 7) % 7)); done
$ echo $day
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If you are using GNU AWK you might harness its time functions. I would check it following way:
BEGIN{nowtime=systime();nowweekday=strftime("%u",nowtime);nowmonth=strftime("%m",nowtime);nextmonth=strftime("%m",nowtime+604800);if(nowweekday==6 && nowmonth!=nextmonth){print "Last saturday of month"}else{print "Not last saturday of month"}}
Explanation: firstly I get current time in terms of seconds since start of epoch, then I get current weekday as number (1-Monday, 7-Sunday), current month as number (1-12) and month of date 7 days later (604800 is number of seconds in 7 days). If today is Saturday and 7 days later will be different month this is last saturday, otherwise it is not, which I print accordingly
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Reputation: 133458
Could you please try following. I am running it as a command you could save it in a script and could run it from cron to check it on daily basis too.
cal $(date +%m) $(date +%Y) |
tac |
awk -v date=$(date +%d) '
count==1{ exit }
print "Today is last Saturday of month."
print "Today is NOT last Saturday of month."
For today's date(its Friday today on 6th Nov 2020) following is the output.
Today is NOT last Saturday of month.
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above.
cal $(date +%m) $(date +%Y) | ##Running cal command with passing current month and today date to it
tac | ##Passing cal output to tac command to print it from bottom to top, since we want to read last lines only.
awk -v date=$(date +%d) ' ##Passing previous output to awk as an Input and create date variable which has today date in it.
count==1{ exit } ##If count variable is 1 thne exiting from program.
NF==7{ ##Checking condition if number of fields is 7 then do following.
++count ##Increasing count with 1 here.
if($(NF-1)==date){ ##Checking condition if last field is date then do following.
print "Today is last Saturday of month." ##Printing that its last Saturday for this month.
exit ##exiting from program from here.
else{ ##Else part of above if condition here.
print "Today is NOT last Saturday of month." ##printing that its NOT last Saturday of this month.
Upvotes: 1