Reputation: 323
Hi there I'm not a developer and so am unaware of best practices. I created this to bypass manual data copying of log data. This agent is for a single feed which I'll copy and adjust for each additional one. For the specified feed it reads the log for the last time processed and number of files processed so far today and for yesterday. It also counts files in the input folder and reads the server's timezone. Each data item is separated by a comma for csv and emailed, which later is hosted on a website. Thanks for any constructive criticism.
Sub Initialize
Dim customername As String
Dim servername As String
Dim feedname As String
Dim alertthresholdinhours As Integer
Dim inputfeedpath As String
' Set for each feed
customername = "gRrhio"
servername = "gRrhioEdge2"
feedname = "FF Thompson ADT"
alertthresholdinhours = 6
inputfeedpath = "\\mhinec\elycon\data\adt\*.*"
' Counts files in input folder
Dim pathName As String, fileName As String
Dim inputfeedcounter As Integer
inputfeedcounter = 0
pathName$ = inputfeedpath
fileName$ = Dir$(pathName$, 0)
Do While fileName$ <> ""
inputfeedcounter = inputfeedcounter + 1
fileName$ = Dir$()
Dim entry As NotesViewEntry
Dim vc As NotesViewEntryCollection
Dim filesprocessed As Integer
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim newDoc As NotesDocument
Dim rtitem As NotesRichTextItem
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Set view = db.GetView( "Sessions\by Feed" )
Set newDoc = New NotesDocument( db )
Set rtitem = New NotesRichTextItem( newDoc, "Body" )
Dim todaysdate As New NotesDateTime("Today")
Dim flag As Integer
Dim counter As Integer
Dim files As Integer
Dim errors As Integer
Dim lastdate As String
Dim lastdayran As String
Dim lasttime As String
Dim lasttimeran As String
Dim filesp As Integer
Dim lastdayfiles As Integer
Dim lastdaysfiles2 As Integer
Dim terrors As Integer
Dim lastdayerrors As Integer
lastdate = ""
lastdayran = ""
counter = 0
flag = 0
filesp = 0
lastdayfiles = 0
lastdaysfiles2 = 0
terrors = 0
lastdayerrors = 0
' Finds date for last time processed, counts files processed and errors
While flag = 0
Dim dateTime As New NotesDateTime(todaysdate.DateOnly)
Dim keyarray(1) As Variant
keyarray(0) = feedname
Set keyarray(1) = dateTime
Set vc = view.GetAllEntriesByKey(keyarray, False)
Set entry = vc.GetFirstEntry
If entry Is Nothing Then
Call todaysdate.AdjustDay(-1)
End If
While Not entry Is Nothing
files = 0
Forall colval In entry.ColumnValues
If counter = 9 Then
counter = 0
Elseif counter = 8 Then
counter = 9
Elseif counter = 7 Then
counter = 8
Elseif counter = 6 Then
errors = Cint(colval)
counter = 7
Elseif counter = 5 Then
counter = 6
Elseif counter = 4 Then
files = Cint(colval)
counter = 5
Elseif counter = 3 Then
counter = 4
Elseif counter = 2 Then
counter = 3
lasttime = colval
Elseif counter = 1 Then
counter = 2
lastdate = colval
Elseif counter = 0 Then
counter = 1
End If
End Forall
filesp = filesp + files
terrors = terrors + errors
Set entry=vc.GetNextEntry (entry)
flag = 1
lastdayfiles = filesp
lastdayerrors = terrors
lastdayran = lastdate
lasttimeran = lasttime
'Counts previous files processed
filesp = 0
terrors = 0
lastdate = ""
flag = 0
Call todaysdate.AdjustDay(-1)
While flag = 0
Dim dateTime2 As New NotesDateTime(todaysdate.DateOnly)
Dim keyarray2(1) As Variant
keyarray2(0) = feedname
Set keyarray2(1) = dateTime2
Set vc = view.GetAllEntriesByKey(keyarray2, False)
Set entry = vc.GetFirstEntry
If entry Is Nothing Then
Call todaysdate.AdjustDay(-1)
End If
While Not entry Is Nothing
files = 0
Forall colval In entry.ColumnValues
If counter = 9 Then
counter = 0
Elseif counter = 8 Then
counter = 9
Elseif counter = 7 Then
counter = 8
Elseif counter = 6 Then
counter = 7
Elseif counter = 5 Then
counter = 6
Elseif counter = 4 Then
files = Cint(colval)
counter = 5
Elseif counter = 3 Then
counter = 4
Elseif counter = 2 Then
counter = 3
Elseif counter = 1 Then
counter = 2
Elseif counter = 0 Then
counter = 1
End If
End Forall
filesp = filesp + files
Set entry=vc.GetNextEntry (entry)
flag = 1
lastdaysfiles2 = filesp
' Prints line of CSV into body of email
Call rtitem.AppendText ( customername )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( ", " )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( servername )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( ", " )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( datetime.timezone )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( ", " )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( lastdayran )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( " " )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( lasttimeran )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( ", " )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( lastdayfiles )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( ", " )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( lastdayerrors )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( ", " )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( lastdaysfiles2 )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( ", " )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( inputfeedcounter )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( ", " )
Call rtitem.AppendText ( alertthresholdinhours )
Call newDoc.Save( False, True )
newDoc.Subject = feedname
' Running from server line should be
'newDoc.SendTo = "Ecmon Feedcheck/Ecmonitor@ECMONITOR"
newDoc.SendTo = "AX1Forward Feedcheck/[email protected]"
newDoc.Send( False )
End Sub
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2134
Reputation: 111
Some good points already. To add to them if you have variables that share a common object then create a class. Add your variables to that class.
So instead of say:
Dim userFullName as String
Dim age as Integer
Dim addressLine1 as String
' ... etc.
You can have:
Class UserDetails
Dim fullName as String
Dim age as Integer
Dim addressLine1 as String
' ... etc
End Class
and reference:
Dim u as new UserDetails
u.fullName = "full name"
u.age = 22
u.addressLine1 = "1 main street"
The advantage of this is you can add methods to manipulate that data and you know the code relates to that object rather then hunting through your application.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1842
you can optimize both of your ForAll loops. This is how the first one would look:
Forall colval In entry.ColumnValues
Select Case (counter)
Case 1: lastdate = colval
Case 2: lasttime = colval
Case 4: files = Cint(colval)
Case 6: errors = Cint(colval)
End Select
counter = (counter + 1) Mod 10
End Forall
This is how the second would one would look like:
Forall colval In entry.ColumnValues
if (counter = 4) Then files = Cint(colval)
counter = (counter + 1) Mod 10
End Forall
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 20384
You want to decompose your code much more and ... one little thing. Instead of
while not item is nothing
which is a double negation and a popular brain bender.. write:
do until item is nothing
This also allows you to break out of the loop with exit do
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 3157
On more of the style side of things, I've always found it easier to maintain other people's code when they've
Option 'Explicit'
in the Declarations sectionYour comment about copying this agent for other instances of the same problem also raises a flag. Try to work out what is common between these agents and push those functions into a script library. This sort of thing saves a lot of time when maintaining the code as you don't need to think about in what way each agent is different (Eg. does my change apply to all instances of this agent, or just some of them?)
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 14581
Just a note regarding this bit
While Not entry Is Nothing
files = 0
Forall colval In entry.ColumnValues
If counter = 9 Then
counter = 0
Elseif counter = 8 Then
counter = 9
As ken says you can get columnValues by using the entry.ColumnValues(x) method so interating through the values is un-needed. But; you could have done this
While Not entry Is Nothing
files = 0
counter = 0
Forall colval In entry.ColumnValues
counter = counter + 1
Select case counter
case 6
errors = Cint(colval)
end select
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 22264
For not being a developer, you can write a lot of code :)
If you are looking for some lessons to start becoming a good developer, then take Mitch's advice (from the comments) and break up this into subroutines. Lesson 1: There's definitely some repetitve code here, and it's always a good idea to put repetitive code into a method (function or subroutine) so it only exists once. The section that counts files processed and previous files processed looks similar and could probably be put into a routine like:
Function GetCountFilesProcessed() As Integer
'code here
End Function
However, you might even be able to save the need for that if I'm understanding your code correctly. Instead of doing that strange loop in the middle, it appears you're are trying to simply get a value from a column of a viewentry. Say you are interetsed in column 4's value. You can simply get at the value for the column you want by accessing it by index. For example, your files variable could be set directly to column 4's value by this line
files = Cint(entry.ColumnValues(4)) 'check this, it might be 3 if the array is zero based.
Anyway, bottom line is if this code works then you're off to a good start!
Upvotes: 2