Reputation: 3732
Using the example from
SelectItemGroup group1 = new SelectItemGroup("Group 1");
group1.setSelectItems(new SelectItem[] {
new SelectItem("Group 1 Value 1", "Group 1 Label 1"),
new SelectItem("Group 1 Value 2", "Group 1 Label 2"),
new SelectItem("Group 1 Value 3", "Group 1 Label 3")
SelectItemGroup group2 = new SelectItemGroup("Group 2");
group2.setSelectItems(new SelectItem[] {
new SelectItem("Group 2 Value 1", "Group 2 Label 1"),
new SelectItem("Group 2 Value 2", "Group 2 Label 2"),
new SelectItem("Group 2 Value 3", "Group 2 Label 3")
<p:selectOneMenu id="so" value="#{myView.shopOrder}" editable="true">
<f:selectItem noSelectionOption="true" itemLabel="Select a Shop Order" itemValue="null" />
<f:selectItems value="#{myView.availableShopOrders}" />
when p:selectOneMenu
the value submitted to myView.shopOrder
is the label of the SelectItems arrary
when p:selectOneMenu
the value submitted to myView.shopOrder
is the value of the SelectItems arrary
How do I have the p:selectOneMenu
with editable="true" and have it submit the itemValue
I've tried omnifaces.SelectItemsConverter
, a custom converter.
I've also tried:
<f:selectItems value="#{myView.availableShopOrders}" var="aso" itemValue="#{aso.value} "/>
I am using PF 8.0
package org.primefaces.test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
import javax.faces.model.SelectItemGroup;
import javax.faces.view.ViewScoped;
import javax.inject.Named;
public class MyView implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String input1;
private String input2;
private String input3;
private List<SelectItem> availableShopOrders;
private List<MyShopOrder> mySavedShopOrders;
private List<String> recentlyUsedShopOrders;
public void init() {
availableShopOrders = new ArrayList<>();
SelectItemGroup group1 = new SelectItemGroup("Group 1");
group1.setSelectItems(new SelectItem[] { new SelectItem("Group 1 Value 1", "Group 1 Label 1"), new SelectItem("Group 1 Value 2", "Group 1 Label 2"),
new SelectItem("Group 1 Value 3", "Group 1 Label 3") });
SelectItemGroup group2 = new SelectItemGroup("Group 2");
group2.setSelectItems(new SelectItem[] { new SelectItem("Group 2 Value 1", "Group 2 Label 1"), new SelectItem("Group 2 Value 2", "Group 2 Label 2"),
new SelectItem("Group 2 Value 3", "Group 2 Label 3") });
MyShopOrder mySo1 = new MyShopOrder();
mySo1.setShopOrder("My SO Value 1");
mySo1.setShortDesciption("Description 1");
MyShopOrder mySo2 = new MyShopOrder();
mySo2.setShopOrder("My SO Value 2");
mySo2.setShortDesciption("Description 2");
mySavedShopOrders = new ArrayList<>();
recentlyUsedShopOrders = new ArrayList<>();
recentlyUsedShopOrders.add("Non-Favorite Value 1");
recentlyUsedShopOrders.add("Non-Favorite Value 2");
recentlyUsedShopOrders.add("Non-Favorite Value 3");
public void submitIt1() {
System.out.println("input1 submitted is: " + input1);
public void submitIt2() {
System.out.println("input2 submitted is: " + input2);
public void submitIt3() {
System.out.println("input3 submitted is: " + input3);
... setters/getters
package org.primefaces.test;
public class MyShopOrder implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String shopOrder;
private String shortDesciption;
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<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EDGE" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<title><ui:insert name="title">PF8 Test</ui:insert></title>
<h:outputStylesheet name="primeicons/primeicons.css" library="primefaces" />
<h:outputStylesheet library="css" name="screen.css" />
<f:viewAction action="#{myView.init()}" onPostback="false" />
<h2>Select Item Groups with editable Select One Menu</h2>
<h:form id="editableId">
<p:selectOneMenu id="so3" value="#{myView.input1}" editable="true">
<f:selectItem noSelectionOption="true" itemLabel="Select a Shop Order" itemValue="null" />
<f:selectItems value="#{myView.availableShopOrders}" />
<br />
<p:commandButton value="Submit Select Item Group with edit=true" action="#{myView.submitIt1()}" />
<hr />
<br />
<br />
<h2>Select Item Groups with non-editable Select One Menu</h2>
<h:form id="notEditableId">
<p:selectOneMenu id="so3" value="#{myView.input2}" editable="false">
<f:selectItem noSelectionOption="true" itemLabel="Select a Shop Order" itemValue="null" />
<f:selectItems value="#{myView.availableShopOrders}" var="aso" />
<br />
<p:commandButton value="Submit Select Item Group with edit=false" action="#{myView.submitIt2()}" />
<hr />
<br />
<br />
<h2>Without Select Item Groups with editable Select One Menu</h2>
<h:form id="noGroupsEditableId">
<p:selectOneMenu id="so3" value="#{myView.input3}" editable="true">
<f:selectItem noSelectionOption="true" itemLabel="Select a Shop Order" itemValue="null" />
<f:selectItem noSelectionOption="true" itemLabel="---Saved Favorites" itemValue="null" />
<f:selectItems value="#{myView.mySavedShopOrders}" var="shopOrder"
itemLabel="#{shopOrder.shopOrder} #{shopOrder.shortDesciption != null ? '('.concat(shopOrder.shortDesciption).concat(')') : '' }" itemValue="#{shopOrder.shopOrder}" />
<f:selectItem noSelectionOption="true" itemLabel="---Recently Used Non-Favorites" itemValue="null" />
<f:selectItems value="#{myView.recentlyUsedShopOrders}" var="shopOrder" itemLabel="#{shopOrder}" itemValue="#{shopOrder}" />
<br />
<p:commandButton value="Submit without Select Item Group with edit=true" action="#{myView.submitIt3()}" />
[INFO] Started Jetty Server
input1 submitted is: Group 1 Label 3
input2 submitted is: Group 2 Value 1
input3 submitted is: Typed In Value
input3 submitted is: My SO Value 1
input3 submitted is: Non-Favorite Value 1
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1059
Reputation: 12039
I have submitted this issue:
I plan on fixing it for PF 9.0.
Integration Test:
Upvotes: 1