Reputation: 4698
I accidentally started very many step functions and now wish to terminate all of them.
Any smart ways to do this using the CLI or web console?
Upvotes: 15
Views: 10516
Reputation: 1037
I tried Trisped script in linux and found out it needs to be converted in bash script so here it is in case you want to stop running executions in parallel from linux/unix.
# Check if there are any running background jobs
if [[ $(jobs -r | wc -l) -gt 0 ]]; then
echo "There are $(jobs -r | wc -l) jobs already running"
echo "Remove all existing jobs."
jobs -r | xargs kill
StateMachineArn="<Step Function ARN>"
StateMachineRegion="<Step Function Region>"
# Define the function to stop the execution
ExecutionBlock() {
aws stepfunctions stop-execution --execution-arn "$StepFunctionExecutionArn" --region "$StateMachineRegion"
echo "Getting Step Function Execution ARNs for state machine with arn = '$StateMachineArn' in region = '$StateMachineRegion'."
StepFunctionExecutionArns=$(aws stepfunctions list-executions --state-machine-arn "$StateMachineArn" --status-filter RUNNING --query "executions[*].{executionArn:executionArn}" --output text --region "$StateMachineRegion")
echo "Starting the jobs. Max $MaxThreads jobs running simultaneously."
for StepFunctionExecutionArn in $StepFunctionExecutionArns; do
echo "Starting execution of job with input '$StepFunctionExecutionArn'."
while [[ $(jobs -r | wc -l) -ge $MaxThreads ]]; do
sleep 0.015
ExecutionBlock "$StepFunctionExecutionArn" &
echo "Job with input '$StepFunctionExecutionArn' started."
echo "Waiting for jobs to finish."
echo "Writing information from each job."
jobs -p | xargs -n 1 -I {} sh -c "echo 'Output from job {}: '; tail -n 1 /dev/stdin <<< \$(cat)"
echo "Cleaning up all jobs."
jobs -r | xargs kill
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 6003
I had 45,000 executions, so deleting using Pål Brattberg's answer was taking a long time, so I wrote a PowerShell script which will run the stop-execution command in parallel:
$ExecutionBlock = {
Param([string] $StepFunctionExecutionArn)
aws stepfunctions stop-execution --execution-arn $StepFunctionExecutionArn
if ($(Get-Job -state running).count -gt 1) {
Write-Host "There are $($(Get-Job -state running).count) jobs already running"
else {
Write-Host 'Remove all existing jobs.'
Get-Job | Remove-Job
$StateMachineArn = "<Step Function ARN>"
$StateMachineRegion = "<Step Function Region>"
Write-Host "Getting Step Function Execution ARNs for state machine with arn = '$StateMachineArn' in region = '$StateMachineRegion'."
[array]$StepFunctionExecutionArns = aws stepfunctions list-executions --state-machine-arn $StateMachineArn --status-filter RUNNING --query "executions[*].{executionArn:executionArn}" --output text --region $StateMachineRegion
$MaxThreads = 64
Write-Host "Starting the jobs. Max $MaxThreads jobs running simultaneously."
foreach($StepFunctionExecutionArn in $StepFunctionExecutionArns){
Write-Host "Starting execution of job with input '$StepFunctionExecutionArn'."
While ($(Get-Job -state running).count -ge $MaxThreads) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 15 }
Start-Job -Scriptblock $ExecutionBlock -ArgumentList $StepFunctionExecutionArn
Write-Host "Job with input '$StepFunctionExecutionArn' started."
Write-Host 'Waiting for jobs to finish.'
Get-Job -state running | Wait-Job
Write-Host 'Writing information from each job.'
foreach($job in Get-Job) { Write-Host Receive-Job -Id ($job.Id) }
Write-Host "Cleaning up all jobs."
Get-Job | Remove-Job
To use the script, replace <Step Function ARN> and <Step Function Region> with the correct values.
My results were 5-6 times faster than serial execution. Tweaking $MaxThreads may give better results.
array.Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 51
for some reason after each iteration, it stuck in Mac,
adding >> out.t
solves it
aws stepfunctions list-executions \
--state-machine-arn arn:aws:states:us-east-1:322348515048:stateMachine:workflow-dev-acknowledge-Awaiter \
--status-filter RUNNING \
--query "executions[*].{executionArn:executionArn}" \
--output text | \
xargs -I {} aws stepfunctions stop-execution \
--execution-arn {} >> out.t
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 111
For me xargs was giving issue because my execution-arn was quite big enough.
aws stepfunctions list-executions \
--state-machine-arn <ARN> \
--status-filter RUNNING \
--query "executions[*].{executionArn:executionArn}" \
--output text | \
awk '{print}' |
while read line;
do aws stepfunctions stop-execution --execution-arn $line
This did the trick for me. Thanks to @Pål Brattberg
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 4698
OK, let's do this using the CLI.
You can stop an execution using the following:
aws stepfunctions stop-execution \
But since I started way too many executions, it's helpful to be able to list all running executions of a state machine:
aws stepfunctions list-executions \
--state-machine-arn <STEP FUNCTION ARN> \
--status-filter RUNNING \
--output text
Next, make sure to only list execution ARN's for these executions and list each execution ARN on a separate line:
aws stepfunctions list-executions \
--state-machine-arn <STEP FUNCTION ARN> \
--status-filter RUNNING \
--query "executions[*].{executionArn:executionArn}" \
--output text
Now, we put this together into one command using xargs
aws stepfunctions list-executions \
--state-machine-arn <STEP FUNCTION ARN> \
--status-filter RUNNING \
--query "executions[*].{executionArn:executionArn}" \
--output text | \
xargs -I {} aws stepfunctions stop-execution \
--execution-arn {}
Now all running executions should be shut down. Make sure you do this with care so that you don't mess up production!
On that note, if you user aws-vault to minimize that very risk, the command above would look something like this:
aws-vault exec test-env -- aws stepfunctions list-executions \
--state-machine-arn <STEP FUNCTION ARN> \
--status-filter RUNNING \
--query "executions[*].{executionArn:executionArn}" \
--output text | \
xargs -I {} aws-vault exec test-env -- aws stepfunctions stop-execution \
--execution-arn {}
Upvotes: 33