Reputation: 125
I'm trying to configure the plugin dadbod ( and must confess I don't know vimscript well enough to comprehend the code :(
I'm stuck on configuring the database adapters. Irrespective of what URL I try, I just get the message
DB: no adapter for SQL Server.
I've also tried SQLite and Postgres with the same results.
In the WIKI, there's a statement: Supports a modern array of backends
- which makes me think I haven't configured "the backend" perhaps? I have the jdbc SQL Server driver installed, and set a JAVA_HOME environment variable which works fine with DBeaver and with Azure Data Studio.
I haven't been able to find anything on the web about how to configure dadbod beyond the command structure. Am I missing something obvious about how the plugin works?
Your help greatly appreciated!
Upvotes: 2
Views: 3477
Reputation: 1040
I ended up using vim-dadbod-ui plugin and this is how I set it up:
"tpope/vim-dadbod", -- Modern database interface for Vim
dependencies = {
{ "tpope/vim-dadbod", lazy = true },
{ "kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-completion", ft = { "sql", "mysql", "plsql" }, lazy = true },
cmd = {
init = function()
-- Your DBUI configuration
vim.g.db_ui_use_nerd_fonts = 1
vim.g.dbs = {
dev = "postgres://postgres:mypassword@localhost:5432/my-dev-db",
staging = "postgres://postgres:mypassword@localhost:5432/my-staging-db",
wp = "mysql://root@localhost/wp_awesome",
dockerpostgresboiler = "postgresql://backend:[email protected]:5432/backend",
The DBUI windows do conflict with my auto-session plugin, but that's a problem for another day!
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 125
The vim-dadbod plugin was definitely not installed correctly. I did a clean install of Vim, then installed the package manager Vundle. Following Vundle's instructions I was able to install vim-dadbod.
The issue is no longer the plugin itself!
Upvotes: 2