Reputation: 641
I'm attempting to create a script to process multiple cisco configs and port them to Excel via CSV with the following fields: Interface Name, Description, VLAN and Voice VLAN.
I can import the config file with the following code:
$importPath = ["PATH TO FILE"]
$text = Get-Content -path $importFile
I can then process the imported text to group interfaces together like this:
$regex = '(?ms)interface(.+?)!'
$text = $text -join "`n"
$matchedGroups = $text | Select-String $regex -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Value }
The resultant text is now in groups by interface (there is some junk in there, but it is minimal and manageable). However, I don't know how to then take these groups (lines of strings) and organize them in an array where each line is an element in the array. Once I have this, I can assign labels to sanitized and extracted information (as above). Example of text in the $matchedGroups variable:
PS: C:\$matchedGroups[0]
interface Port-channel1
description Port-channel1 to DEVICE
switchport access vlan ####
switchport trunk native vlan ####
switchport mode trunk
Desired array example:
$array = @("interface Port-channel1"," description Port-channel1 to DEVICE"," switchport access vlan ####"," switchport trunk native vlan ####"," switchport mode trunk")
Upvotes: 0
Views: 102
Reputation: 17492
try this
$array =$matchedGroups[0] -split "`n"
#print first element
If you want trim your rows :
$array=$string -split "`n" |%{$_.trim()}
Upvotes: 3