Reputation: 23
I have an improvised customer registration spreadsheet inside Excel until I can develop one in the database like MySQL or Access, but after some changes I broke my code and I can't solve it.
It is a code to search for the client information by their full name and get their info if they are registered, but my spreadsheet only works on the base sheet of the service order, not on the customer's orders.
It is a work order spreadsheet, where I have the base OS sheet to make the new ones, and then I make a copy (by vba macro) for each customer of the week. But the search is only working and taking the information from the base OS, and putting it there, not the specific client OS.
I need it to work on all the sheets, including the one I'm trying to get the information from, and put this information on the right sheet. I tried to change the workbook calls from
but it didn't work.
The code:
Sub search()
' search of data and information of registered clients
Dim results As String
results = MsgBox("Deseja buscar este cliente?", vbYesNo) 'message to confirm search
If results = vbYes Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
client = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OS").Range("B10").Value
Dim lastLine As Long
lastLine = ActiveSheet.cells(rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).row
For i = 2 To lastLine
If cells(i, 1).Value = cliente Then
client = cells(i, 1).Value
cAddress = cells(i, 2).Value
cNumber = cells(i, 3).Value
district = cells(i, 4).Value
City = cells(i, 5).Value
Contact = cells(i, 6).Value
cpf = cells(i, 7).Value
car = cells(i, 8).Value
lPlate = cells(i, 9).Value
renavam = cells(i, 10).Value
km = cells(i, 11).Value
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OS").Range("B10").Value = client
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OS").Range("B11").Value = cAddress
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OS").Range("F11").Value = cNumber
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OS").Range("B12").Value = district
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OS").Range("F12").Value = City
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OS").Range("F13").Value = Contact
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OS").Range("B13").Value = cpf
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OS").Range("B15").Value = car
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OS").Range("B16").Value = lPlate
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OS").Range("F15").Value = renavam
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OS").Range("F16").Value = km
i = i + lastLine
If i = lastLine Then
MsgBox "Cliente não cadastrado!" 'message for clients not registered
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "Busca efetuada com sucesso!" 'successful search and get informations message
End If
End Sub
PS. The spreadsheet is in Portuguese
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Views: 165
Reputation: 42256
Please, try the next code. It iterates between all existing sheets (except "db" one) and do what the existing code does for the client found in "B10:
Sub searchOneSheet()
' search of data and information of registered clients
Dim results As VbMsgBoxResult, sh As Worksheet, wsDB As Worksheet
Dim client As String, lastLine As Long, boolFound As Boolean, i As Long
results = MsgBox("Deseja buscar este cliente (""B10"" Range)?", vbYesNo) 'message to confirm search
If results <> vbYes Then Exit Sub
Set wsDB = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("db")
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
lastLine = wsDB.cells(rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).row
'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
client = sh.range("B10").Value
For i = 2 To lastLine
If wsDB.cells(i, 1).Value = client Then
sh.range("B11").Value = wsDB.cells(i, 2).Value 'cAddress
sh.range("F11").Value = wsDB.cells(i, 3).Value 'cNumber
sh.range("B12").Value = wsDB.cells(i, 4).Value 'district
sh.range("F12").Value = wsDB.cells(i, 5).Value 'City
sh.range("F13").Value = wsDB.cells(i, 6).Value 'Contact
sh.range("B13").Value = wsDB.cells(i, 7).Value 'cpf
sh.range("B15").Value = wsDB.cells(i, 8).Value 'car
sh.range("B16").Value = wsDB.cells(i, 9).Value 'lPlate
sh.range("F15").Value = wsDB.cells(i, 10).Value 'renavam
sh.range("F16").Value = wsDB.cells(i, 11).Value 'km
boolFound = True: Exit For 'since you said there are not double occurrences
End If
Next i
If Not boolFound Then
MsgBox "Cliente não cadastrado (" & client & " - " & sh.Name & ")!" 'message for clients not registered
MsgBox "Busca efetuada com sucesso (" & client & " - " & sh.Name & ")!" 'successful search and get informations message
boolFound = False
End If
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Upvotes: 1