Reputation: 5
I'm using scons to compile my C++ app disabling console window but I can't get this done.
Searching in the internet, and in StackOverflow, I found that this line would work
env.Append( LINKFLAGS=['-Wl,-subsystem,windows'] )
The problem is I always receive a warning message that this line is ignored.
This is the message:
LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option '/Wl,-subsystem,windows'; ignored
I've already tried:
env.Append( LINKFLAGS=['-Wl,-subsystem:windows'] )
env.Append( LINKFLAGS='-Wl,-subsystem,windows' )
env.Append( LINKFLAGS=['/Wl,-subsystem,windows'] )
env.Append( LINKFLAGS=['/Wl,-subsystem:windows'] )
Like you noticed, many possibilities I've done, but no sucess.
Below I post some part of my SConstruct file.
Any help is very appreciated.
Thanks for all replies
if 'gcc' in env[ 'compiler' ]:
env.Append( CCFLAGS='-Wall', CPPDEFINES=['GCC'] )
if int( debug ):
env.Append( CCFLAGS='-g', LINKFLAGS='-g' )
env.Append( CCFLAGS='-O2', LINKFLAGS='-O2' )`
# MSVC v9
elif 'msvc' in env['compiler']:
env.Append( LINKCOM=[ 'mt.exe -nologo -manifest ${TARGET}.manifest -outputresource:$TARGET;1' ] )
env.Append( SHLINKCOM=[ 'mt.exe -nologo -manifest ${TARGET}.manifest -outputresource:$TARGET;2' ] )
env.Append( LIBS = 'WS2_32' )
env.AppendUnique( LINKFLAGS=['-Wl,-subsystem,windows'] )
if int( debug ):
env.Append( CCFLAGS='/Od /RTC1 /MDd /Gy /Zi', LINKFLAGS='/DEBUG' )
env.Append( CCFLAGS='/O2 /Oi /GL /MD', LINKFLAGS='/LTCG')`
Upvotes: -1
Views: 1504
Reputation: 5
Sorry guys. I've made a mistake.
Wl, is just for supress warnings;
Like you said: it's just to insert env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/Wl', '/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS'])
in the SConstruct.
I've made a very dummy mistake.
In the main.cpp I forgot to do a simple verification of if I running my software on a console or on a windowed app.
Just a simple #ifdef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
thanks for you support.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 663
not sure if its case sensitive but that should work. Your options just aren't getting fed to the linker right it seems.
Upvotes: 0