Reputation: 135
I'm using Terraform to deploy an app to Azure, including a MySQL server and an App Service, and want to restrict database access to only the app service. The app service has a list of outbound IPs, so I think I need to create firewall rules for these on the database. I've found that in Terraform, I can't use count
or for_each
to dynamically create these rules, as the value isn't known in advance.
We've also considered hard coding the count but the Azure docs don't confirm the number of IPs. With this, and after seeing different numbers in stackoverflow comments, I'm worried that the number could change at some point and break future deployments.
The output error suggests using -target
as a workaround, but the Terraform docs explicitly advise against this due to potential risks.
Any suggestions for a solution? Is there a workaround, or is there another approach that would be better suited?
Non-functional code I'm using so far to give a better idea of what I'm trying to do:
locals {
appIps = split(",", azurerm_app_service.appService.outbound_ip_addresses)
resource "azurerm_mysql_firewall_rule" "appFirewallRule" {
count = length(appIps)
depends_on = [azurerm_app_service.appService]
name = "appService-${count.index}"
resource_group_name = "myResourceGroup"
server_name =
start_ip_address = local.appIps[count.index]
end_ip_address = local.appIps[count.index]
This returns the error:
Error: Invalid count argument
on line 331, in resource "azurerm_mysql_firewall_rule" "appFirewallRule":
331: count = length(local.appIps)
The "count" value depends on resource attributes that cannot be determined
until apply, so Terraform cannot predict how many instances will be created.
To work around this, use the -target argument to first apply only the
resources that the count depends on.
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Views: 1119
Reputation: 173
I dig deeper there and I think I have a solution which works at least for me :)
The core of the problem here is in the necessity to do the whole thing in 2 steps (we can't have not yet known values as arguments for count
and for_each
). It can be solved with explicit imperative logic or actions (like using -target
once or commenting out and then uncommenting). Besides, it's not declarative it's also not suitable for automation via CI/CD (I am using Terraform Cloud and not the local environment).
So I am doing it just with Terraform resources, the only "imperative" pattern is to trigger the pipeline (or local run) twice.
Check my snippet:
data "azurerm_resources" "web_apps_filter" {
resource_group_name = var.rg_system_name
type = "Microsoft.Web/sites"
required_tags = {
ProvisionedWith = "Terraform"
data "azurerm_app_service" "web_apps" {
count = length(data.azurerm_resources.web_apps_filter.resources)
resource_group_name = var.rg_system_name
name = data.azurerm_resources.web_apps_filter.resources[count.index].name
data "azurerm_resources" "func_apps_filter" {
resource_group_name = var.rg_storage_name
type = "Microsoft.Web/sites"
required_tags = {
ProvisionedWith = "Terraform"
data "azurerm_app_service" "func_apps" {
count = length(data.azurerm_resources.func_apps_filter.resources)
resource_group_name = var.rg_storage_name
name = data.azurerm_resources.func_apps_filter.resources[count.index].name
locals {
# flatten ensures that this local value is a flat list of IPs, rather
# than a list of lists of IPs.
# distinct ensures that we have only uniq IPs
web_ips = distinct(flatten([
for app in data.azurerm_app_service.web_apps : [
split(",", app.possible_outbound_ip_addresses)
func_ips = distinct(flatten([
for app in data.azurerm_app_service.func_apps : [
split(",", app.possible_outbound_ip_addresses)
resource "azurerm_postgresql_firewall_rule" "pgfr_func" {
for_each = toset(local.web_ips)
name = "web_app_ip_${replace(each.value, ".", "_")}"
resource_group_name = var.rg_storage_name
server_name = "${var.project_abbrev}-pgdb-${local.region_abbrev}-${local.environment_abbrev}"
start_ip_address = each.value
end_ip_address = each.value
resource "azurerm_postgresql_firewall_rule" "pgfr_web" {
for_each = toset(local.func_ips)
name = "func_app_ip_${replace(each.value, ".", "_")}"
resource_group_name = var.rg_storage_name
server_name = "${var.project_abbrev}-pgdb-${local.region_abbrev}-${local.environment_abbrev}"
start_ip_address = each.value
end_ip_address = each.value
The most important piece there is azurerm_resources
resource - I am using it to do filtering on what web apps are already existing in my resource group (and managed by automation). I am doing DB firewall rules on that list, next terraform run, when newly created web app is there, it will also whitelist the lastly created web app.
An interesting thing is also the filtering of IPs - a lot of them are duplicated.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 23141
At the moment, using -target
as a workaround is a better choice. Because with how Terraform works at present, it considers this sort of configuration to be incorrect. Using resource computed outputs as arguments to count
and for_each
is not recommended. Instead, using variables or derived local values which are known at plan time is the preferred approach. If you choose to go ahead with using computed values for count/for_each, this will sometimes require you to work around this using -target
as illustrated above. For more details, please refer to here
Besides, the bug will be fixed in the pre-release 0.14 code. For more details, please
Upvotes: 1