Reputation: 1703
I am currently working with CoreData FetchedResults
and SwiftUIs PickerView
. While doing so I encountered a problem when using the FetchedResults to populate a PickerView:
I obviously can use the FetchedResults to populate the PickerView but what solution is the best (also from UI / UX perspective) for defining the @State for the selected Result?
@FetchRequest(sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \User.lastName, ascending: true)], animation: .default) private var users: FetchedResults<User>
@State var user: User = User()
// ...
Picker(selection: $user, label: Text("User")) {
ForEach(users) { user in
This does work, however it is probably not the most elegant way to create a new empty User Object to set it as the default.
Does anyone of you have a better Idea / Best Practice for solving this probably often problem?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 692
Reputation: 8547
If you doesn't want to create a dummy User() all the time, which isn't good practice as you mentioned, you have to do your FetchRequest in your init()
or pass your FetchedResult to another view.
Here is a solution with another view
struct ContentView : View {
@FetchRequest(sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \User.lastName, ascending: true)], animation: .default) private var users: FetchedResults<User>
var body : some View {
PickerView(users: Array(users))
struct PickerView : View {
var users : [User]
@State var selectedUser : User?
init(users: [User]) {
self.users = users
self._selectedUser = State(initialValue: users.first)
var body : some View {
Picker(selection: $selectedUser, label: Text("Users")) {
ForEach(users) { user in
Text(user.lastName ?? "").tag(user as User?)
Actually you can just declare your Person as optional. So you do not have to provide a default. When fetching it will automatically move to the first Item in the picker. If you wish to select a differently you can use that method above. Regarding the FetchRequest in the init() it posted a answer a couple of month ago here
Upvotes: 3