Reputation: 313
I have a function that generates a figure of a table:
plot_covariate_means_by_ntile <- function(.df, .ntile = "ntile", n_top = 10, directory) {
.df <-
covariate_names <- covariate_names
#.df[, .ntile] <- as.factor(.df[, .ntile])
.df[, .ntile] <- as_factor(.df[, .ntile], levels = "both")
# Regress each covariate on ntile/subgroup assignment to means p
cov_means <- lapply(covariate_names, function(covariate) {
lm_robust(as.formula(paste0(covariate, " ~ 0 + ", .ntile)), data = .df, se_type = "stata")
# Extract the mean and standard deviation of each covariate per ntile/subgroup
cov_table <- lapply(cov_means, function(cov_mean) {
means <-[,c("Estimate", "Std. Error")]))
# Preparation to color the chart
temp_standardized <- sapply(seq_along(covariate_names), function(j) {
covariate_name <- covariate_names[j]
.mean <- mean(.df[, covariate_name], na.rm = TRUE)
.sd <- sd(.df[, covariate_name], na.rm = TRUE)
m <- as.matrix(round(signif(cov_table[[j]], digits=4), 3))
.standardized <- (m["Estimate",] - .mean) / .sd
colnames(temp_standardized) <- covariate_names
ordering <- order(apply(temp_standardized, MARGIN = 2, function(x) {.range <- range(x); abs(.range[2] - .range[1])}), decreasing = TRUE)
# fwrite(tibble::rownames_to_column([ordering,])),
# paste0(directory$data, "/covariate_standardized_means_by_", .ntile, ".csv"))
color_scale <- max(abs(c(max(temp_standardized, na.rm = TRUE), min(temp_standardized, na.rm = TRUE))))
color_scale <- color_scale * c(-1,1)
max_std_dev <- floor(max(color_scale))
breaks <- -max_std_dev:max_std_dev
labels <- c(" ", breaks, " ")
breaks <- c(min(color_scale), breaks, max(color_scale))
# Little trick to display the standard errors
table <- lapply(seq_along(covariate_names), function(j) {
covariate_name <- covariate_names[j]
.mean <- mean(.df[, covariate_name], na.rm = TRUE)
.sd <- sd(.df[, covariate_name], na.rm = TRUE)
m <- as.matrix(round(signif(cov_table[[j]], digits=4), 3))
.standardized <- (m["Estimate",] - .mean) / .sd
return(data.frame(covariate = covariate_name,
group = c(1,2,5) ,
estimate = m["Estimate",], std.error = m["Std. Error",],
standardized = .standardized))
# table <-, table)
table <- rbindlist(table)
setnames(table, "group", .ntile)
table[, covariate := factor(covariate, levels = rev(covariate_names[ordering]), ordered = TRUE)]
table[covariate %in% head(covariate_names[ordering], n_top)] %>%
mutate(info = paste0(estimate, "\n(", std.error, ")")) %>%
ggplot(aes_string(x = .ntile, y = "covariate")) +
# Add coloring
geom_raster(aes(fill = standardized)
, alpha = 0.9
) +
scale_fill_distiller(palette = "RdBu",
direction = 1,
breaks = breaks,
labels = labels,
limits = color_scale,
name = "Standard\nDeviation on\nNormalized\nDistribution"
) +
# add numerics
geom_text(aes(label = info), size=2.1) +
# reformat
labs(title = paste0("Covariate averages within ", ifelse(tolower(.ntile) == "leaf", .ntile, "Assigned Group")),
y = "within covariate") +
scale_x_continuous(position = "top") #+
But the output shows all 5 columns, I want it to show only 1 , 2 and 5.
I can adjust the line
groups = 1:ncol(m)
But then that incorrectly labels the groups, the third column is actually group 5:
Is there any way to adjust the function to present the correct columns and the correct labels for them?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 35
Reputation: 26630
Maybe you could use facet_wrap as a workaround?
data.frame(X = rep(1:5, each = 25),
Y = rep(factor(rev(LETTERS[-26]),
levels = rev(LETTERS[-26])), 5),
Z = rnorm(125, 5, 1)) %>%
mutate(X = ifelse(X %in% c(1,2,5), X, NA)) %>%
na.omit() %>%
ggplot(aes(x = X, y = Y, fill = Z)) +
geom_raster() +
facet_wrap(~X, ncol=3, scales="free_x") +
theme_minimal() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank())
I tried to figure out a solution using scale_x_discrete
(e.g. something like scale_x_discrete(limits = c("1", "2", "5"), breaks = c("1", "2", "5"))
) and it 'feels' like it could work, but I gave up - maybe something worth pursuing.
Upvotes: 1