Reputation: 535
i don't understand, how to use swagger-ui with routing-controller.
i have tried:
@UseBefore(swagger.serve) //ERROR No overload matches this call
class SwaggerController {
public swaggerUi(): void {}
but i got Error (No overload matches this call) for swagger.serve.
Now, i made it so:
// server.ts
const app = express();
useExpressServer(app, {/* controllers, middlewares, options */});
app.use('/api-docs', swagger.serve, swagger.setup(swaggerJson));
it works, but this is incorrect implementation (i think)
How use existing middlewares for that cases?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 5235
Reputation: 97
This seems to be the right implementation, as recommanded on swagger-ui-express documentation.
As decribed in routing-controllers documentation, you can pre-configure your Express app with common Express middlwares, then setup routing-controllers using useExpressServer(app, ...
No need to create any dedicated Controller, simply add it as a
I'm using Routing-Controller / Express typescript project, and I configured Swagger this way (using YML openAPI file, but could be JSON as well), except that I configure express BEFORE routing-controllers setup:
import * as swaggerUi from "swagger-ui-express";
import * as YAML from "yaml";
const app = express();
// load YML Swagger spec
const buf = await fs.promises.readFile(path.join(__dirname, "../install/openapi.yml"));
const openApi = YAML.parse(buf.toString());
// setup swaggerUI as Express middleware
app.use("/api-docs", swaggerUi.serve, swaggerUi.setup(openApi));
// then setup routing-controller
useExpressServer(app, { ...
Upvotes: 1