Reputation: 139
I have a scala compiler 2.12.11
and compiler prints some warnings, like:
private default argument in class SomeClass is never used
while as it is used.
I have seen a Scala 2.12.2 emits a ton of useless "Warning: parameter value ... in method ... is never used" warnings. How to get rid of them? however it doesn't help me, as it is not possible to negate params
Can you help me to surpress this warning, however saving another unused
warnings? Currently, I have -Xlint
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Views: 1064
Reputation: 27595
Instead of -Xlint
which is a batch, you can turn on specific options manually. For instant in 2.13 I can print available options like this:
scalac -Xlint:help
Enable recommended warnings
adapted-args An argument list was modified to match the receiver.
nullary-unit `def f: Unit` looks like an accessor; add parens to look side-effecting.
inaccessible Warn about inaccessible types in method signatures.
infer-any A type argument was inferred as Any.
missing-interpolator A string literal appears to be missing an interpolator id.
doc-detached When running scaladoc, warn if a doc comment is discarded.
private-shadow A private field (or class parameter) shadows a superclass field.
type-parameter-shadow A local type parameter shadows a type already in scope.
poly-implicit-overload Parameterized overloaded implicit methods are not visible as view bounds.
option-implicit Option.apply used an implicit view.
delayedinit-select Selecting member of DelayedInit.
package-object-classes Class or object defined in package object.
stars-align In a pattern, a sequence wildcard `_*` should match all of a repeated parameter.
strict-unsealed-patmat Pattern match on an unsealed class without a catch-all.
constant Evaluation of a constant arithmetic expression resulted in an error.
unused Enable -Wunused:imports,privates,locals,implicits,nowarn.
nonlocal-return A return statement used an exception for flow control.
implicit-not-found Check @implicitNotFound and @implicitAmbiguous messages.
serial @SerialVersionUID on traits and non-serializable classes.
valpattern Enable pattern checks in val definitions.
eta-zero Usage `f` of parameterless `def f()` resulted in eta-expansion, not empty application `f()`.
eta-sam The Java-defined target interface for eta-expansion was not annotated @FunctionalInterface.
deprecation Enable -deprecation and also check @deprecated annotations.
byname-implicit Block adapted by implicit with by-name parameter.
recurse-with-default Recursive call used default argument.
unit-special Warn for specialization of Unit in parameter position.
multiarg-infix Infix operator was defined or used with multiarg operand.
implicit-recursion Implicit resolves to an enclosing definition.
Default: All choices are enabled by default.
so I could e.g. enable -Xlint:inaccessible -Xlint:adapted-args -Wunused:privates,locales
or whatever I want instead of everything. For 2.12 this list would be different. (You can also check scalac -X
, scalac -Y
and scalac -W
An alternative is to enable warnings and suppress them when you "breaking" something consciously. For unused you have @scala.annotation.unused
, for other warnings in 2.12 and before there is silencer plugin and since 2.13 there is @scala.annotation.nowarn
Upvotes: 1