Reputation: 213
Python student here,
I have been studying up on basic algorithms and I am having some trouble fully understanding MergeSort
I believe I understand the divide and conquer approach, how namespaces are created within each loop cycle, and how the algorithm splits up the elements. Where I get a bit confused is in how it reassembles/merges the elements, successively taking on the sorted values.
I think I understand everything from results line 21 to 37. i.e. how nlist
is transformed to [27, 43]
My specific question is regarding results
line 38 and how righthalf
which was [43, 27]
at result line 21, takes on the value of nlist
which is [27, 43]
line 38).
As I do not see any variable assignment of nlist
to righthalf,
i.e. righthalf = nlist
is not in the code flow between 'results' lines 37 & 38
MergeSort Algorithm (with diagnostic print statements):
def mergeSort(nlist):
print("Splitting ", nlist)
if len(nlist) > 1:
mid = len(nlist) // 2
lefthalf = nlist[: mid]
righthalf = nlist[mid :]
print('wow', 'lefthalf', lefthalf)
print('this is the right1', righthalf)
print('this is the right2', righthalf)
i = j = k = 0
while i < len(lefthalf) and j < len(righthalf):
if lefthalf[i] < righthalf[j]:
print('bot', 'k', 'i', 'j', 'lefthalf', 'righthalf', k, i, j, lefthalf, righthalf)
nlist[k] = lefthalf[i]
print('nlist[k]', nlist[k], nlist)
i = i + 1
nlist[k] = righthalf[j]
print('k', 'nlist[k]', k, nlist[k], nlist)
j = j + 1
k = k + 1
while i < len(lefthalf):
print('cot', 'k', 'i', 'lefthalf', k, i, lefthalf)
nlist[k] = lefthalf[i]
print('nlist[k]', nlist[k], nlist)
i = i + 1
k = k + 1
while j < len(righthalf):
print('dot', 'k', 'j', 'righthalf', k, j, righthalf)
nlist[k] = righthalf[j]
print('nlist[k]', nlist[k], nlist)
j = j + 1
k = k + 1
print("Merging ", nlist)
nlist = [14, 46, 43, 27, 57, 41, 45, 21, 70]
1 Splitting [14, 46, 43, 27, 57, 41, 45, 21, 70]
2 wow lefthalf [14, 46, 43, 27]
3 Splitting [14, 46, 43, 27]
4 wow lefthalf [14, 46]
5 Splitting [14, 46]
6 wow lefthalf [14]
7 Splitting [14]
8 Merging [14]
9 yah righthalf [46]
10 this is the right1 [46]
11 Splitting [46]
12 Merging [46]
13 this is the right2 [46]
14 cool
15 bot k i j lefthalf righthalf 0 0 0 [14] [46]
16 nlist[k] 14 [14, 46]
17 dot k j righthalf 1 0 [46]
18 nlist[k] 46 [14, 46]
19 Merging [14, 46]
20 yah righthalf [43, 27]
21 this is the right1 [43, 27]
22 Splitting [43, 27]
23 wow lefthalf [43]
24 Splitting [43]
25 Merging [43]
26 yah righthalf [27]
27 this is the right1 [27]
28 Splitting [27]
29 Merging [27]
30 this is the right2 [27]
31 cool
32 me
33 k nlist[k] 0 27 [27, 27]
34 [27]
35 cot k i lefthalf 1 0 [43]
36 nlist[k] 43 [27, 43]
37 Merging [27, 43]
38 this is the right2 [27, 43]
39 cool
40 bot k i j lefthalf righthalf 0 0 0 [14, 46] [27, 43]
41 nlist[k] 14 [14, 46, 43, 27]
42 me
43 k nlist[k] 1 27 [14, 27, 43, 27]
44 [27, 43]
45 me
46 k nlist[k] 2 43 [14, 27, 43, 27]
47 [27, 43]
48 cot k i lefthalf 3 1 [14, 46]
49 nlist[k] 46 [14, 27, 43, 46]
50 Merging [14, 27, 43, 46]
51 yah righthalf [57, 41, 45, 21, 70]
52 this is the right1 [57, 41, 45, 21, 70]
53 Splitting [57, 41, 45, 21, 70]
54 wow lefthalf [57, 41]
55 Splitting [57, 41]
56 wow lefthalf [57]
57 Splitting [57]
58 Merging [57]
59 yah righthalf [41]
60 this is the right1 [41]
61 Splitting [41]
62 Merging [41]
63 this is the right2 [41]
64 cool
65 me
66 k nlist[k] 0 41 [41, 41]
67 [41]
68 cot k i lefthalf 1 0 [57]
69 nlist[k] 57 [41, 57]
70 Merging [41, 57]
71 yah righthalf [45, 21, 70]
72 this is the right1 [45, 21, 70]
73 Splitting [45, 21, 70]
74 wow lefthalf [45]
75 Splitting [45]
76 Merging [45]
77 yah righthalf [21, 70]
78 this is the right1 [21, 70]
79 Splitting [21, 70]
80 wow lefthalf [21]
81 Splitting [21]
82 Merging [21]
83 yah righthalf [70]
84 this is the right1 [70]
85 Splitting [70]
86 Merging [70]
87 this is the right2 [70]
88 cool
89 bot k i j lefthalf righthalf 0 0 0 [21] [70]
90 nlist[k] 21 [21, 70]
91 dot k j righthalf 1 0 [70]
92 nlist[k] 70 [21, 70]
93 Merging [21, 70]
94 this is the right2 [21, 70]
95 cool
96 me
97 k nlist[k] 0 21 [21, 21, 70]
98 [21, 70]
99 bot k i j lefthalf righthalf 1 0 1 [45] [21, 70]
100 nlist[k] 45 [21, 45, 70]
101 dot k j righthalf 2 1 [21, 70]
102 nlist[k] 70 [21, 45, 70]
103 Merging [21, 45, 70]
104 this is the right2 [21, 45, 70]
105 cool
106 me
107 k nlist[k] 0 21 [21, 41, 45, 21, 70]
108 [21, 45, 70]
109 bot k i j lefthalf righthalf 1 0 1 [41, 57] [21, 45, 70]
110 nlist[k] 41 [21, 41, 45, 21, 70]
111 me
112 k nlist[k] 2 45 [21, 41, 45, 21, 70]
113 [21, 45, 70]
114 bot k i j lefthalf righthalf 3 1 2 [41, 57] [21, 45, 70]
115 nlist[k] 57 [21, 41, 45, 57, 70]
116 dot k j righthalf 4 2 [21, 45, 70]
117 nlist[k] 70 [21, 41, 45, 57, 70]
118 Merging [21, 41, 45, 57, 70]
119 this is the right2 [21, 41, 45, 57, 70]
120 cool
121 bot k i j lefthalf righthalf 0 0 0 [14, 27, 43, 46] [21, 41, 45, 57, 70]
122 nlist[k] 14 [14, 46, 43, 27, 57, 41, 45, 21, 70]
123 me
124 k nlist[k] 1 21 [14, 21, 43, 27, 57, 41, 45, 21, 70]
125 [21, 41, 45, 57, 70]
126 bot k i j lefthalf righthalf 2 1 1 [14, 27, 43, 46] [21, 41, 45, 57, 70]
127 nlist[k] 27 [14, 21, 27, 27, 57, 41, 45, 21, 70]
128 me
129 k nlist[k] 3 41 [14, 21, 27, 41, 57, 41, 45, 21, 70]
130 [21, 41, 45, 57, 70]
131 bot k i j lefthalf righthalf 4 2 2 [14, 27, 43, 46] [21, 41, 45, 57, 70]
132 nlist[k] 43 [14, 21, 27, 41, 43, 41, 45, 21, 70]
133 me
134 k nlist[k] 5 45 [14, 21, 27, 41, 43, 45, 45, 21, 70]
135 [21, 41, 45, 57, 70]
136 bot k i j lefthalf righthalf 6 3 3 [14, 27, 43, 46] [21, 41, 45, 57, 70]
137 nlist[k] 46 [14, 21, 27, 41, 43, 45, 46, 21, 70]
138 dot k j righthalf 7 3 [21, 41, 45, 57, 70]
139 nlist[k] 57 [14, 21, 27, 41, 43, 45, 46, 57, 70]
140 dot k j righthalf 8 4 [21, 41, 45, 57, 70]
141 nlist[k] 70 [14, 21, 27, 41, 43, 45, 46, 57, 70]
142 Merging [14, 21, 27, 41, 43, 45, 46, 57, 70]
143 [14, 21, 27, 41, 43, 45, 46, 57, 70]
Upvotes: 2
Views: 124
Reputation: 213
Eureka! After an ungodly number of hours spent on this...i have found it.
When a mutable object(in this case a list) is passed into a function as an argument ('righthalf'), and that argument is recursively mutated ('nlist'), the argument is also mutated and this change is reflected outside the function. This represents the "call by object reference" property of python.
In this specific situation
righthalf = nlist
Thanks everyone!
Upvotes: 0
Assume you have two sorted lists in front of you. To obtain the merged list, you take the smallest of the two elements at the head of both lists, and repeat until you exhaust both lists.
[*14, 27, 43, 46]
[ 21, 41, 45, 57, 70]
[ 27, 43, 46]
[*21, 41, 45, 57, 70]
[*27, 43, 46]
[ 41, 45, 57, 70]
[ 43, 46]
[*41, 45, 57, 70]
[*43, 46]
[ 45, 57, 70]
[ 46]
[*45, 57, 70]
[ 57, 70]
[*57, 70]
Upvotes: 2