Reputation: 618
I apologize for the code, it's in a state I'm actively playing with.
In Konva JS, I'm creating labels. Which is basically a group, it has a shape and text element. The shapes are drawn dynamically from a database, and each db row has the coordinates, the shape (square, circle etc), size and rotation. These are multiplied by a scale depending on screen size. I had a working solution, which I've been using for weeks, but I also have a function that changes the shape of a shape. So I press a button, it updates the database (e.g changes square to circle) and then redraws the canvas. Because going from a square to a circle changes from a shape that's drawn from the top left to one that's drawn from center, it messes up the coordinates. I decided to switch to drawing rectangles with an offset of width/2 so that rectangles are drawn from the center too.
I have subsequently kept breaking it further and I now can't get text centered at all. I need text centered regardless of shape, size or rotation.
current code
//Gets table array from SQL
tables = callPhpFunction('getTablesInRoom', room);
tables = JSON.parse(tables);
numberOfTables = tables.length;
index = 0;
tableLayer = new Konva.Layer();
//For every table
while(index < numberOfTables){
tableNumber = tables[index]['tablenumber'];
offset_x = 0;
offset_y = 0;
pos_x = parseInt(tables[index]['posx']) * scale;
pos_y = parseInt(tables[index]['posy']) * scale;
shape = tables[index]['shape'];
tableWidth = parseInt(tables[index]['width']) * scale;
tableHeight = parseInt(tables[index]['height']) * scale;
rotation = parseInt(tables[index]['rotation']);
fillColor = "gray";
strokeColor = "black";
var table = new Konva.Label({
x: pos_x,
y: pos_y,
pos_x = 0;
pos_y = 0 ;
//If the shape is a square, rectangle, or undefined
if(shape != "circle" && shape != "ellipse" && shape != "longellipse"){
offset_x = tableWidth/2
offset_y = tableHeight/2
table.add(new Konva.Rect({
width: tableWidth,
height: tableHeight,
offsetX: offset_y,
offsetY: offset_y,
height: tableHeight,
fill: fillColor,
stroke: strokeColor,
strokeWidth: 4
//If shape is a circle or ellipse
} else {
table.add(new Konva.Ellipse({
radiusX: tableWidth/2,
radiusY: tableHeight/2,
fill: fillColor,
stroke: strokeColor,
strokeWidth: 4
//Can't remember why this is here, but it seems to work/ Think if these are reused when the text is drawn it centers them.
pos_x = -tableWidth/2;
pos_y = -tableHeight/2;
//Gets the first shape (ellipse or rectangle) in the label. I think is equivalent to getTag()
innerShape = getInnerShape(table);
//Rotates the inner shape, while leaving text unRotated.
if(rotation != 0){
canvasX = pos_x + (tableWidth/2)
canvasY = pos_y + (tableHeight/2)
rotateAroundPoint(innerShape, rotation, {x:canvasX, y:canvasY });
//Currently approach is to get center based on the client rectangle. It's not working
box = table.getClientRect();
box_x = box.x + box.width / 2;
box_y = box.y + box.height / 2;
table.add(new Konva.Text({
width: tableWidth,
height: tableHeight,
x: box_x,
y: box_y,
text: tableNumber,
verticalAlign: 'middle',
align: 'center',
fontSize: 24,
fontFamily: 'Calibri',
fill: 'black',
listening: false
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2304
Reputation: 998
I slightly rewrote your creation routine; seems working well like this. The essence here is that shape + label are grouped together and global [scaled] position is applied to those groups, not individual graphic elements.
const tableLayer = new Konva.Layer();
const scale = 1.0; // position scale factor
const mockData = [
label: "45",
shape: "circle",
x: 100,
y: 150,
w: 100,
h: 100,
r: 0
label: "46",
shape: "rect",
x: 200,
y: 170,
w: 150,
h: 100,
r: -30
label: "47",
shape: "rect",
x: 70,
y: 200,
w: 50,
h: 100,
r: 15
label: "48",
shape: "ellipse",
x: 400,
y: 300,
w: 250,
h: 150,
r: 30
function createShapeElement( data ) {
// Create container group
let element = new Konva.Group( {
x: data.x * scale,
y: data.y * scale,
draggable: true,
listening: true,
} );
// Create background shape
let shape;
switch ( data.shape ) {
case "circle": // fall-through
case "ellipse": // fall-through
case "longellipse":
shape = new Konva.Ellipse( {
x: 0,
y: 0,
radiusX: data.w * 0.5,
radiusY: data.h * 0.5,
rotation: data.r,
fill: "gray",
stroke: "black",
strokeWidth: 4,
draggable: false,
listening: true
} );
shape = new Konva.Rect( {
x: 0,
y: 0,
offsetX: data.w * 0.5,
offsetY: data.h * 0.5,
width: data.w,
height: data.h,
rotation: data.r,
fill: "gray",
stroke: "black",
strokeWidth: 4,
draggable: false,
listening: true
} );
} // End switch
// Create label
let label = new Konva.Text( {
x: data.w * -0.5,
y: data.h * -0.5,
width: data.w,
height: data.h,
text: data.label,
fontSize: 24,
fill: "black",
align: "center",
verticalAlign: "middle",
draggable: false,
listening: false
} );
element.add( shape, label );
return element;
// Loop your data and call the creation method for each data item.
mockData.forEach( itemData => {
tableLayer.add( createShapeElement( itemData ) );
} );
Upvotes: 5