Reputation: 23
I am going to get the elements' value from HTML. The HTML code is below.
It can be shown on the screen.
Dim xmlhttp As Object
Dim url As String
Dim toTranslate As String
Dim htmldoc As HTMLDocument
toTranslate = TextBox1.Value
url = "" & toTranslate & "&keyfrom=dict.index"
Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") '创建XML对象
xmlhttp.Open "GET", url, False '用GET 发送请求
Do While xmlhttp.readyState <> 4
Dim explore As New InternetExplorer
'Set htmldoc =explore.document
MsgBox xmlhttp.responseText
But I want to get each value of tag "li" in elements which class is "trans-container"(The each Chinese words).
I only know the method "getElementsByClassName()", but I don't know how to use it. Thanks for your help!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1503
Reputation: 9948
Array alternative using FilterXML()
Based on a received response string I demonstrate a way to get the list items via FilterXML()
available since vers. 2013+.
Function getListItems(ByVal sResponse As String, Optional IsZeroBased As Boolean = False)
'Purpose: assign list items in div trans-container class to 1-dim array
'XPath search expression
Dim xp As String
xp = "//div[@class='trans-container']/ul/li"
With WorksheetFunction
'assign list items to 1-based 2-dim array
Dim listItems: listItems = .FilterXML(sResponse, xp)
'optional Test display in VB Editor's immediate window
Debug.Print Join(.Transpose(listItems), ", ")
'return <li> items as 1-dim array (optionally 0-based)
getListItems = .Transpose(listItems)
If IsZeroBased Then ReDim Preserve getListItems(0 To UBound(getListItems) - 1)
End With
End Function
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 4038
You need to create a HTMLDocument object from the response and use it for the parsing. As annotated in the code, it is necessary to use early binding to use the method getElementsByClassName
Try something like the following:
Dim url As String
Dim toTranslate As String
toTranslate = TextBox1.Value
' Note: use https:// rather than http://
url = "" & toTranslate & "&keyfrom=dict.index"
' Creating and sending the request:
Dim xmlhttp As Object
Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") '创建XML对象
xmlhttp.Open "GET", url, False '用GET 发送请求
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"
xmlhttp.send ""
' Getting the response
' This needs to be early bound so the method getElementsByClassName is available!
' The required reference is "Microsoft HTML Object Library"
Dim objHTML as HTMLDocument
Set objHTML = New HTMLDocument
objHTML.body.innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText
' Parsing the response
Dim objTransContainers as Object, objTransContainer as Object
Dim objLis as Object, objLi as Object
Dim retText as String
Set objTransContainers = objHTML.getElementsByClassName("trans-container")
For Each objTransContainer in objTransContainers
Set objLis = objTransContainer.getElementsByTagName("li")
For Each objLi in objLis
retText = retText & objLi.innerText & vbNewLine
Next objLi
Next objTransContainer
MsgBox retText
Alternatively, you can use only the tags and check for the class name in a loop for the parsing. The advantage is, that this method will also work with a late bound HTMLDocument:
' Getting the response:
Dim objHTML as Object
Set objHTML = CreateObject("htmlFile")
' Note: this objHTML.write will not work with early binding!
' In that case you have to use the .body.innerHTML
' like in the code sample above.
With objHTML
.write xmlhttp.responseText
End With
' Parsing the response
Dim objDivs as Object, objDiv as Object
Dim objLis as Object, objLi as Object
Dim retText as String
Set objDivs = objHTML.getElementsByTagName("div")
For Each objDiv in objDivs
If objDiv.className = "trans-container" Then
Set objLis = objDiv.getElementsByTagName("li")
For Each objLi in objLis
retText = retText & objLi.innerText & vbNewLine
Next objLi
End If
Next objDiv
MsgBox retText
Upvotes: 2