Reputation: 69
I'm trying to run this query, but it tells me this error:
42P18: could not determine data type of parameter $12
bds.DataSource = (from vendas in conexao.Vendas
join nota in conexao.NotaFiscal on vendas.IdNotaFIscal equals nota.Id
join clientes in conexao.Cliente on vendas.IdCliente equals clientes.Id
where (nota.DataEmissao >= periodoInicial || periodoInicial == null) &&
(nota.DataEmissao <= periodoFinal || periodoFinal == null) &&
(clientes.Id == idCliente || idCliente == null) &&
(nota.NumeroNotaFiscal >= notaInicial || notaInicial == null) &&
(nota.NumeroNotaFiscal <= notaFinal || notaFinal == null) &&
(nota.Modelo == mod || mod == null)
orderby nota.Id descending
select new
Id = nota.Id,
ClienteId = clientes.NomeRazao,
Chave = nota.Chave,
DataEmissao = nota.DataEmissao,
Status = nota.Status,
NumeroNota = nota.NumeroNotaFiscal,
Modelo = nota.Modelo,
The error occurs in this line below, if I withdraw, works normal, I have tried to change, however I need this filter.I can't understand what I'm doing wrong.
(nota.Modelo == mod || mod == null)
And here's how I fill out the variable
string mod = String.Empty;
if(modelo != "TODOS") mod = modelo == "NF-E" ? "55" : modelo== "NFC-e" ? "65" : null;
Any idea how I can fix it? Thank you.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 432
Reputation: 27461
Try to separate filtering. Such parameters is bad for LINQ Translation and performance. I hope it will solve your problem.
var query =
from vendas in conexao.Vendas
join nota in conexao.NotaFiscal on vendas.IdNotaFIscal equals nota.Id
join clientes in conexao.Cliente on vendas.IdCliente equals clientes.Id
select new { vendas, nota, clientes };
if (periodoInicial != null)
query = query.Where(x => x.nota.DataEmissao >= periodoInicial);
if (periodoFinal != null
query = query.Where(x => x.nota.DataEmissao <= periodoFinal);
if (idCliente != null)
query = query.Where(x => x.clientes.Id == idCliente);
if (notaInicial != null)
query = query.Where(x => x.nota.NumeroNotaFiscal >= notaInicial);
if (notaFinal != null)
query = query.Where(x => x.nota.NumeroNotaFiscal <= notaFinal);
if (mod != null)
query = query.Where(x => x.nota.Modelo == mod);
var result =
from q in query
orderby q.nota.Id descending
select new
Id = q.nota.Id,
ClienteId = q.clientes.NomeRazao,
Chave = q.nota.Chave,
DataEmissao = q.nota.DataEmissao,
Status = q.nota.Status,
NumeroNota = q.nota.NumeroNotaFiscal,
Modelo = q.nota.Modelo,
bds.DataSource = result.ToList();
Upvotes: 1