Reputation: 23
As mentioned in the title, i am very confused about the ClickHouse primary index. ClickHouse primary index used these files: primary.idx, [primaryField].mrk, [primaryField].bin. Where is MarkRange stored and how it works? How do these relate to each other?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 928
Reputation: 13300
primary.idx -- contains primary columns keys values
create table X(A Int64, S String)
Engine=MergeTree order by A settings index_granularity=4096, min_bytes_for_wide_part=0;
insert into X select number, toString(number) from numbers(32768);
cd /var/lib/clickhouse/data/default/X/all_1_1_0/
order by A -- A Int64 -- primary.idx has A value with size 8 bytes one after another,
default granularity is 4096
primary.idx === 0, 4096, 8192
od -l -j 0 -N 8 primary.idx #skip zero bytes read 8
0000000 0
od -l -j 8 -N 8 primary.idx #skip 8 bytes read 8
0000010 4096
od -l -j 16 -N 8 primary.idx #skip 16 bytes read 8
0000020 8192 0
mrk files contains offsets to bin (column) from primary key
od -l -j 0 -N 24 S.mrk2
0000000 0 0
0000020 4096
0 offset in compressed file (S.bin)
0 offset in decompressed block
4096 number of rows in granula
od -l -j 48 -N 24 S.mrk2
0000060 0 39850
0000100 4096
0 offset in compressed file (S.bin)
39850 offset in decompressed block
4096 number of rows in granula
od -l -j 72 -N 24 S.mrk2
0000110 0 62618
0000130 4096
0 offset in compressed file (S.bin)
62618 offset in decompressed block
4096 number of rows in granula
4096+4096+4096 = 12288 -- third granula of S column must contain strings with 12288+
dd status=none bs=1 skip=0 if=S.bin|clickhouse-compressor -d|dd status=none bs=1 skip=62618 count=50|hexdump -C
00000000 05 31 32 32 38 38 05 31 32 32 38 39 05 31 32 32 |.12288.12289.122|
00000010 39 30 05 31 32 32 39 31 05 31 32 32 39 32 05 31 |90.12291.12292.1|
00000020 32 32 39 33 05 31 32 32 39 34 05 31 32 32 39 35 |2293.12294.12295|
00000030 05 31 |.1|
some pictures in russian
Upvotes: 2