Reputation: 575
I would like to log in the Windows Event Viewer using log4net.
I created a Console Application (.NET Framework 4), I added the reference log4net.dll, I put the following code in my App.config:
<section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler,log4net"/>
<appender name="EventLogAppender" type="log4net.Appender.EventLogAppender">
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %-5level %logger [%property{NDC}] - %message%newline"/>
<level value="ALL"/>
<appender-ref ref="EventLogAppender"/>
<startup><supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727"/></startup>
And I put the following code :
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Program));
log.Error("test error", new Exception("error's exception", new Exception("error's innerexception")));
It doesn't log, nothing happens, why?
Upvotes: 6
Views: 11583
Reputation: 305
Call XmlConfigurator.Configure() at the begining of your App.
You also need to grant the user running the application rights to put data in the eventlog.
A good way to do this is with powershell, admin mode
New-EventLog EventLogName -source ApplicationName
Also, add this two parameters into the appender
<param name="LogName" value="EventLogName " />
<param name="ApplicationName" value="ApplicationName" />
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 58632
You need to call configure.
[assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile = "App.config", Watch = true)]
[assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(Watch = true)]
When you specify ConfigFile = "App.config"
its going to look for App.config but your filename would be [FileName].Config
Upvotes: 10
Reputation: 7850
You need to call XmlConfigurator.Configure from the log4net library to initialize it. (see below)
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// you need this
log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Program));
log.Error("test error", new Exception("error's exception", new Exception("error's innerexception")));
Upvotes: 5