Reputation: 33
I'm currently working with the fmsb
package to build a radarchart
I've made a dataframe like this one to be able to draw the chart:
spyder_data <- data.frame(DuelsAeriensOff = c(20, 0, DuelsAeriensOff),
DuelsAeriensOffGagnes = c(1, 0, DuelsAeriensOffGagnes),
ButTirs16 = c(0.2, 0, ButTirs16),
TirsBloques = c(1, 0, TirsBloques),
ConversionPasses16 = c(0.2, 0, ConversionPasses16),
PassesMatch16 = c(20, 0, PassesMatch16),
PassesReussies16 = c(1, 0, PassesReussies16),
DangerositePassesCles = c(0.2, 0, DangerositePassesCles),
PartCentresSurface = c(1, 0, PartCentresSurface),
DistancePassesSurface = c(20, 0, DistancePassesSurface),
row.names = c("max", "min", "value"))
and I'm drawing the radarchart with the fonction like this :
vlabels = labels,
vlcex = 0.5,
cglcol = "grey",
cglty = 1,
pcol = c(scales::alpha("orange", 1)),
pfcol = c(scales::alpha("orange", 0.4)),
plwd = 2
Everything is going fine and I'm obtaining this chart :
But I would like to add data labels next to my oranges chart's points, I mean the specific values for each point, who are contained in the third column of my spyder_data dataframe.
I searched for hours this afternoon but I didn't find anything... except maybe using the function text() but I don't know how to do it since it's a specific chart.
If anyone has an idea about my issue, I would be very grateful.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2091
Reputation: 30494
I am not aware of a good solution for this - but here's something to consider.
You can review the code for radarchart
here and adapt your own custom function. This would allow you to add a line of code to add values as text embedded in radarchart
text(xx*scale*1.2, yy*scale*1.2, df[3,], cex = .5)
Here is the entire edited function called radarchart2
radarchart2 <- function(df, axistype=0, seg=4, pty=16, pcol=1:8, plty=1:6, plwd=1,
pdensity=NULL, pangle=45, pfcol=NA, cglty=3, cglwd=1,
cglcol="navy", axislabcol="blue", title="", maxmin=TRUE,
na.itp=TRUE, centerzero=FALSE, vlabels=NULL, vlcex=NULL,
caxislabels=NULL, calcex=NULL,
paxislabels=NULL, palcex=NULL, ...) {
if (! { cat("The data must be given as dataframe.\n"); return() }
if ((n <- length(df))<3) { cat("The number of variables must be 3 or more.\n"); return() }
if (maxmin==FALSE) { # when the dataframe does not include max and min as the top 2 rows.
dfmax <- apply(df, 2, max)
dfmin <- apply(df, 2, min)
df <- rbind(dfmax, dfmin, df)
plot(c(-1.2, 1.2), c(-1.2, 1.2), type="n", frame.plot=FALSE, axes=FALSE,
xlab="", ylab="", main=title, asp=1, ...) # define x-y coordinates without any plot
theta <- seq(90, 450, length=n+1)*pi/180
theta <- theta[1:n]
xx <- cos(theta)
yy <- sin(theta)
CGap <- ifelse(centerzero, 0, 1)
for (i in 0:seg) { # complementary guide lines, dotted navy line by default
polygon(xx*(i+CGap)/(seg+CGap), yy*(i+CGap)/(seg+CGap), lty=cglty, lwd=cglwd, border=cglcol)
if (axistype==1|axistype==3) CAXISLABELS <- paste(i/seg*100,"(%)")
if (axistype==4|axistype==5) CAXISLABELS <- sprintf("%3.2f",i/seg)
if (!is.null(caxislabels)&(i<length(caxislabels))) CAXISLABELS <- caxislabels[i+1]
if (axistype==1|axistype==3|axistype==4|axistype==5) {
if (is.null(calcex)) text(-0.05, (i+CGap)/(seg+CGap), CAXISLABELS, col=axislabcol) else
text(-0.05, (i+CGap)/(seg+CGap), CAXISLABELS, col=axislabcol, cex=calcex)
if (centerzero) {
arrows(0, 0, xx*1, yy*1, lwd=cglwd, lty=cglty, length=0, col=cglcol)
else {
arrows(xx/(seg+CGap), yy/(seg+CGap), xx*1, yy*1, lwd=cglwd, lty=cglty, length=0, col=cglcol)
PAXISLABELS <- df[1,1:n]
if (!is.null(paxislabels)) PAXISLABELS <- paxislabels
if (axistype==2|axistype==3|axistype==5) {
if (is.null(palcex)) text(xx[1:n], yy[1:n], PAXISLABELS, col=axislabcol) else
text(xx[1:n], yy[1:n], PAXISLABELS, col=axislabcol, cex=palcex)
VLABELS <- colnames(df)
if (!is.null(vlabels)) VLABELS <- vlabels
if (is.null(vlcex)) text(xx*1.2, yy*1.2, VLABELS) else
text(xx*1.2, yy*1.2, VLABELS, cex=vlcex)
series <- length(df[[1]])
SX <- series-2
if (length(pty) < SX) { ptys <- rep(pty, SX) } else { ptys <- pty }
if (length(pcol) < SX) { pcols <- rep(pcol, SX) } else { pcols <- pcol }
if (length(plty) < SX) { pltys <- rep(plty, SX) } else { pltys <- plty }
if (length(plwd) < SX) { plwds <- rep(plwd, SX) } else { plwds <- plwd }
if (length(pdensity) < SX) { pdensities <- rep(pdensity, SX) } else { pdensities <- pdensity }
if (length(pangle) < SX) { pangles <- rep(pangle, SX)} else { pangles <- pangle }
if (length(pfcol) < SX) { pfcols <- rep(pfcol, SX) } else { pfcols <- pfcol }
for (i in 3:series) {
xxs <- xx
yys <- yy
scale <- CGap/(seg+CGap)+(df[i,]-df[2,])/(df[1,]-df[2,])*seg/(seg+CGap)
if (sum(![i,]))<3) { cat(sprintf("[DATA NOT ENOUGH] at %d\n%g\n",i,df[i,])) # for too many NA's (1.2.2012)
} else {
for (j in 1:n) {
if ([i, j])) { # how to treat NA
if (na.itp) { # treat NA using interpolation
left <- ifelse(j>1, j-1, n)
while ([i, left])) {
left <- ifelse(left>1, left-1, n)
right <- ifelse(j<n, j+1, 1)
while ([i, right])) {
right <- ifelse(right<n, right+1, 1)
xxleft <- xx[left]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+xx[left]*(df[i,left]-df[2,left])/(df[1,left]-df[2,left])*seg/(seg+CGap)
yyleft <- yy[left]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+yy[left]*(df[i,left]-df[2,left])/(df[1,left]-df[2,left])*seg/(seg+CGap)
xxright <- xx[right]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+xx[right]*(df[i,right]-df[2,right])/(df[1,right]-df[2,right])*seg/(seg+CGap)
yyright <- yy[right]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+yy[right]*(df[i,right]-df[2,right])/(df[1,right]-df[2,right])*seg/(seg+CGap)
if (xxleft > xxright) {
xxtmp <- xxleft; yytmp <- yyleft;
xxleft <- xxright; yyleft <- yyright;
xxright <- xxtmp; yyright <- yytmp;
xxs[j] <- xx[j]*(yyleft*xxright-yyright*xxleft)/(yy[j]*(xxright-xxleft)-xx[j]*(yyright-yyleft))
yys[j] <- (yy[j]/xx[j])*xxs[j]
} else { # treat NA as zero (origin)
xxs[j] <- 0
yys[j] <- 0
else {
xxs[j] <- xx[j]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+xx[j]*(df[i, j]-df[2, j])/(df[1, j]-df[2, j])*seg/(seg+CGap)
yys[j] <- yy[j]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+yy[j]*(df[i, j]-df[2, j])/(df[1, j]-df[2, j])*seg/(seg+CGap)
if (is.null(pdensities)) {
polygon(xxs, yys, lty=pltys[i-2], lwd=plwds[i-2], border=pcols[i-2], col=pfcols[i-2])
} else {
polygon(xxs, yys, lty=pltys[i-2], lwd=plwds[i-2], border=pcols[i-2],
density=pdensities[i-2], angle=pangles[i-2], col=pfcols[i-2])
points(xx*scale, yy*scale, pch=ptys[i-2], col=pcols[i-2])
## Line added to add textvalues to points
text(xx*scale*1.2, yy*scale*1.2, df[3,], cex = .5)
And tested (do not have your complete data to test):
vlabels = "labels",
vlcex = 0.5,
cglcol = "grey",
cglty = 1,
pcol = c(scales::alpha("orange", 1)),
pfcol = c(scales::alpha("orange", 0.4)),
plwd = 2
Upvotes: 2