Reputation: 159
I'm using data from the Nobel prize API
url = ""
resp = GET(url, query = list(category = "economics", year = 2000, yearTo = 2019))
with the following structure
>List of 1
> $ prizes:List of 51
> ..$ :List of 3
> .. ..$ year : chr "2019"
> .. ..$ category : chr "economics"
> .. ..$ laureates:List of 3
> .. .. ..$ :List of 5
> .. .. .. ..$ id : chr "982"
> .. .. .. ..$ firstname : chr "Abhijit"
> .. .. .. ..$ surname : chr "Banerjee"
> .. .. .. ..$ motivation: chr "\"for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty\""
> .. .. .. ..$ share : chr "3"
I want to sort year and id into the same data frame. Note that for each year there can be one or several Nobel laureates.
I know how to do this with nested for loops
laureates <- data.frame(year = NA, id = NA)
for(i in 1:length(content(resp)$prizes)){
year <- content(resp)$prizes[[i]][["year"]]
for(k in 1:length(content(resp)$prizes[[i]]$laureates) ){
id <- content(resp)$prizes[[i]]$laureates[[k]][["id"]]
laureates[nrow(laureates)+1, c("year", "id")] <- c(year, id)
head(laureates[-1, ])
But I can't figure out how to do this in a "tidyverse" fashion using map functionality from the purrr package. The "closest" I have came is
laureates <- map_df(content(resp)$prizes, ~data.frame(year = .x[["year"]], id = map(.x$laureates, ~.x[["id"]]) ))
Upvotes: 1
Views: 142
Reputation: 389175
Using purrr
, you could do :
tmp <- content(resp)$prizes
result <- map_df(tmp, function(x)
data.frame(year = x$year,
id = map_chr(x$laureates, `[[`, 'id')))
Or in base R :
result <-, lapply(tmp, function(x)
data.frame(year = x$year,
id = sapply(x$laureates, `[[`, 'id'))))
Upvotes: 2