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I came across a code where the assembly program can check if the string is a palindrome, except the string was hardcoded. I wanted to practice and modify the code to do the same thing except that the program will take a user's input for the string.
I got the main code from this post: Palindrome using NASM: answer by user1157391
Below is the code I came up with, except I keep getting the errors: line 39: invalid operand type and line 41: division operator may only be applied to scalar values
section .data
msg db "Please provide a word: ",0
len equ $ - msg
msg1 db "The word is a palindrome",0
len1 equ $ - msg1
msg2 db "The word is not pallindrome",0
len2 equ $ - msg2
nline db 0xA
nlen equ $ - nline
segment .bss
input resb 10 ; reserve 10 bytes for input
length resb 10
section .text
global _start
mov edx, len ; number of bytes to write
mov ecx, msg ; ECX will point to the address of the string msg
mov ebx, 1 ; write to the STDOUT file
mov eax, 4 ; invoke SYS_WRITE (kernel opcode 4)
int 0x80
mov edx, 11 ; number of bytes to read
mov ecx, input ; reserve space for the user's input
mov ebx, 0 ; write to the STDIN file
mov eax, 3 ; invoke SYS_READ (kernel opcode 3)
int 0x80
mov eax, input
call strlen
mov [length], eax
mov ebx, input ; start of word
mov eax, (input + length - 1) ; end of word
mov ecx, (length / 2) ; check will run for half of the word
mov dl, [ebx] ; compare first and last letters
cmp [eax], dl
jne failure
inc ebx
dec eax
loop check
;; success
mov edx, len1
mov ecx, msg1
mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 4
int 0x80
add esp,4
jmp done
mov edx, len2
mov ecx, msg2
mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 4
int 0x80
add esp,4
push ebx
mov ebx, eax
cmp byte [eax], 0
jz finished
inc eax
jmp nextchar
sub eax, ebx
pop ebx
I've only started studying assembly language so it would be really nice if someone helps me out here. I've been losing my sanity for the whole day over this. Thank you!
UPDATE: Thank you to all of the answers and comments and @/Peter Cordes for the helpful suggestions. Because of those, I came up with the following (completely different approach) code. I also watched another video on how to check strings that has varying capitalization.
This doesn't work (for me) unless I input exactly 10 characters. However, when I hardcode the input, it works even with less than 10 characters.
msg db "Please provide a word: ",0
len equ $ - msg
palindrome db 'The word is a palindrome'
lenP equ $ - palindrome
notPalindrome db 'The word is not a palindrome'
lenNP equ $ - notPalindrome
segment .bss
input resb 10 ; reserve 10 bytes for input
length equ $ - input
section .text
global _start
mov edx, len ; number of bytes to write
mov ecx, msg ; ECX will point to the address of the string msg
mov ebx, 1 ; write to the STDOUT file
mov eax, 4 ; invoke SYS_WRITE (kernel opcode 4)
int 0x80
mov edx, 10 ; number of bytes to read
mov ecx, input ; reserve space for the user's input
mov ebx, 0 ; write to the STDIN file
mov eax, 3 ; invoke SYS_READ (kernel opcode 3)
int 0x80 ; start of word
add eax, ecx
dec eax
cmp byte[ecx], 0
je finished
mov bl, byte[ecx] ;start
mov dl, byte[eax] ;end
cmp bl, 90
jle uppercase ;start is uppercase
sub bl, 32
cmp dl, 90
jle check ;end is uppercase
sub dl, 32
cmp dl, bl
jne fail
inc ecx
dec eax
jmp capitalizer
mov edx, lenP
mov ecx, palindrome
mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 4
int 0x80
jmp exit
mov edx, lenNP
mov ecx, notPalindrome
mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 4
int 0x80
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 0
int 0x80```
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Views: 987
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The read
system call returns the number of bytes read in EAX. (Or a negative errno code like -EFAULT
if you passed a bad pointer, -EBADF
if the fd isn't open, etc.) In a real program you'd write error-handling code (and maybe a retry until you actually get to EOF in case read returns early from a long input), but in a toy program you can assume that one read system call succeeds and gets all the data you want to look at.
This data is not necessarily 0-terminated, because you passed the full buffer size to read
1. It could have stored a non-zero input byte in the last character of the buffer. You can't strlen
the buffer to find the length without maybe reading past the end.
But fortunately you don't need to, remember read
leaves the input length in EAX. 2
So after the read syscall, add eax, ecx
makes EAX a pointer to one-past-the-end of the string (like C read() + msg
), while ECX is still pointing at the read arg. So you're all ready to loop them towards each other until they cross, the standard palindrome-checking algorithm.
Use cmp
as the loop condition at the bottom of your palindrome loop, not the slow loop
instruction. This is simpler than calculating how many iterations it will take for the pointers to cross; just loop until p < q
is false, where p=start; q=end
initially. Since this is homework, I'll let you choose the args to cmp
Using a pointer to one past the end of the input, like C++ std::vector::end()
is fairly common. You'd use it by dec eax
/ movzx edx, byte [eax]
- decrement the pointer before reading it.)
(Or if you really want, work out the sub
details to make a counted loop with the read return value.)
Another complication: your input may include a newline. If you typed 10 bytes before newline, then the read buffer would only have those characters, no newline.
But on a shorter input, the buffer would hold a newline (0xa), which would compare unequal to the first byte. You might want to loop the end pointer (EAX) backwards until you find a non-newline, instead of special-casing cmp eax, length
before adding. This will leave you with a pointer to the last byte, not one-past-last, so after doing this the main palindrome loop should load before decrementing the pointer.
Footnote 1: Actually you passed 11, so read itself can write past the end of your buffer. If you'd used length equ $-input
to get NASM to calculate the length for you, or length equ 10
/ input: resb length
, you wouldn't have this problem and wouldn't have the length hard-coded in multiple places. You would mov edx, length
before the read system call.
It makes no sense to reserve 10 bytes of space for length
with length: resb 10
. If anything you'd want 4 bytes (a dword integer), but it's a waste of instruction to keep it in memory at all. You're not close to running out of registers.
Footnote 2: It's really dumb that C functions like fgets
don't tell you how many bytes they read, but fortunately the Unix system-call API doesn't suck. It's normal to know how large your data is, so take advantage of pointer+length instead of calling or implementing strlen whenever possible.
Some of those parts of the C library date back to very early C history, like maybe before it was called C. This partly explains the weird design of functions like fopen
that take a string instead of an OR of bit constants (Why does C's "fopen" take a "const char *" as its second argument?), and the bad design of functions like strcpy
which finds the length but chooses not to return it. (strcpy() return value). It's like the library designers hated efficiency, or valued code-size to the extreme (always pass around implicit-length strings, never keep track of their lengths), or didn't realize that rolling your own copy loops when you do want the end wouldn't be viable. (simple portable C compiles to slower asm than hand-written string functions.)
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